Nightmares and hallucinations

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"They've promised me that dreams can 

come true, but forgot to mention 

that nightmares are dreams too."

- Oscar Wilde


~Y/N's POV ~


I'm at the top of the western air temple with Aang. We were feeding the lemurs with some fruit like we used to with our parents. "(Y/N)?" I looked at my brother and hummed in response. "You left our clan, our dad, our friends, just to find me. Do you know what happened to them?" I was too confused to answer, but before I knew it, I was lifted from the earth. I couldn't see anything, until I could feel gravity pulling me back. I fell a few feet to the ground. I dusted myself off the ground and felt heat hitting my face, it felt like it was coming from a distance in front of me. I moved my eyes to the source of the heat and saw all four air temples engulfed in flames.

"Wha-When did this happen?" I asked as if someone was with me. "The fire nation attacked our home a day after you left yours and avatar Aang's home." a voice echoed in my head. I felt like I knew the voice but I wasn't sure who it belonged to. It sounded powerful and spiritual, like an avatar. "Who are you?" I asked while looking around me in search for the being behind the voice.

"You must find avatar Aang and help him with his training of four elements." I looked at the burning temples and saw a woman in airbender robes and tattoos with hair mostly at the back and none at the front. She wasn't just any airbender, it was one of the avatars. "Avatar Yangchen?" She nodded with a small smile on her face. "Avatar (y/n). Your brother, Aang, is in trouble with the prince that saved you from the iceberg." 


~Aang's POV~

I ran through the halls, not caring how many soldiers I have to take down, I just need to get my staff and get out of here. I checked through every door, one of them had an old man snoring away in their sleep. I slowly shut while whispering sorry to the man then carried on with my search. I entered another room, finding my staff, and entered.

As I grabbed a hold of it, I looked towards the bed and I saw someone I believed I would never see again. "(Y/N)?" She still looked exactly the same as the day when I ran away from home. She looked a lot like our mother, especially with the fire nation clothing she had on. 'Why is she here? Of all places.'

I heard the door shut, but I couldn't move because I was too busy asking myself if what I was seeing was real or a hallucination. "Looks like I underestimated you." I rubbed my eyes and she was still there, I felt angry and I was full of fear when I turned and pinned the teen with the scar to the wall. "Why did you have my sister?! How did she get here?!"

He pushed me and walked to the bed, and brushed a strand of her hair out her face. "Is this really your sister? Well, this must more the reason to stay, right? To protect her." I couldn't help but feel fear for her safety and anger because this guy just touched my sister. I swung my glider which airbended him hard to the wall, then I ran from the room to find the deck. I thought if I ran, he would be busy chasing me than messing with (y/n).

I found the deck and ran towards the rail and brought my glider out of my staff. I heard more footsteps coming from behind, they were going fast and shooting flames at me. I jumped but before I managed to actually glide, my ankle got caught, making me fall hard on the cold metal. I got up and so did the soldier boy. We were preparing for battle, which I don't think I could win, until I heard a low growl from the sky. "What is that?" He said distractedly, I turned around and found Appa with Katara and Sokka, flying in to get me back. "Appa!"

I turned around to face the teen and managed to deflect a firebending attack by spinning my glider around like a baton. I accidently propeled myself into the air but landed safetly on the ledge of the deck. I tried to balance myself properly, but when I did, the scared teen blasted more fire my way. I managed to deflect some attacks, but I lost grip of my glider and it landed a few feet away from us. Another wave of fire flies towards me again, barely missing this time. I was starting to lose my balance and I saw the teen hurling more blasts my way. I lifted my hands up in defence, but one of the flames pushed me towards the water. All I could see was the same darkness that kept me below 100 years ago.


Happy winter solstice everyone! Another chapter for the occasion. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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