Meeting pirates is not always a good thing

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"Salvaging is saving, in a manner of speaking."

- Ragetti (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead man's chest) 


Sokka's POV

As we were walking through the market, I notice (y/n) looking at a stand with different types of jewellery on display. I see she is looking at one in particular, I follow her gaze and see a necklace, well two. It looks like a yin and yang, but can be connected when the two owners put them together. "What would you lovebirds like?" An ederly woman asks behind the stand, looking at us. "Oh, we're-we're not a c-couple." She stutters from the surprise of the woman, "We're just friends." I finish for her.

"Oh. dreadfully sorry, my dearies. Still, is there something that's caught your eyes." (Y/N) tells the lady about how we didn't have enough money and left. I look at the necklace again, debating on if I should get it or not. "Excuse me? How much for this?"

~~Small time skip brought to you by Sokka's meat~~

When I got back to the others, Aang and (y/n) looks around in wonder and Katara looks towards (y/n) nervously. "Ok we've now got exactly four copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend it wisely."

"Uh, make that two copper pieces, Sokka. I couldn't say no to this whistle!" he pulls out a white whistle that looks like a bison, "Oh and I bought this for you sis." he passes (y/n) a pai sho tile with a white lotus on it. "Thanks Aang! At least now I can play pai sho with a full set." she grabs a small pouch and puts the tile in. "Wait. you brought a Pai Sho table?!" I ask in complete disbelief, she giggles in reply. "It's not a big one. I would say it was just about this big, but it's useful for when travelling." She says, putting her hands out estimating what the size of the table is.

Aang then takes a huge breath and blows into it, I put my hands over my ears expecting a loud noise. But it didn't work. "It doesn't even work." Aang stops blowing when Momo squawks at him. "See? Even Momo thinks it's a piece of junk." Aang then gives the money to Katara after (y/n) tells him that the money has to be spent wisely.

"Earth Nation! Fire Nation! Water Nation! So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by!" A man announces in the front of a boat of a port as we walk by. "Oh! You there, I can see from your clothing that you're world-travelling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?"

Aang, of course, takes interest in it, "Sure! What are curios?" The man looks confused and thinks for a moment, "I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!" He puts his hand on Aang's shoulder and smiles, walking him into the ship. "I guess we're going on a ship with some stranger." Katara sighs and follows them. "Ugh! Why can't he just ignore that dude and we would be back to the camp by now." (y/n) whines and I have to drag her as we follow the others.


(Y/N)'s POV

We walk in and see strange collectibles are lined up on shelves on the walls inside. Aang looks through the shelves with Momo on his shoulder, while Katara is staring at something on one of the shelves near him. On the other side of the ship, me and Sokka look at the antiques displayed on the shelves.

I don't know why, but Sokka seems to be around me a lot lately. And Katara seems to be keeping her distance from me ever since the solstice. But Aang seems like his usual Aangy-self. Did something happen? If that was the case, what happened and why are they acting like this towards me?

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