Two truths and one decision (part 2)

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"So many choices, you end up not knowing which one you want."

- Frank (Black mirror)


Third person POV

Back at the camp, Sokka started to wake up and noticed that two people were missing. 'Huh? Where did they go?' he thought as he went to his bag.

Sokka looked through his bag and noticed that the scroll was gone as well, maybe they went to sort things out and now their friends again? He walked back to his sleeping bag and noticed a note. "Where did this come from?" he asked no one in particular. He opened the note and read it in his head.

"My friend Sokka,

By the time you are reading this, I will be long gone. But before I leave, I wanted to write a little something before you think this was any of your faults.

It isn't any of yours! It is mine and my fault only!

I finally remembered what happened during the solstice and realised that I'm a danger to anyone that I care for, including the people from our adventures.

That's my reason for leaving the group, I wanted to leave before I eat another person's head off.

Now Sokka, I wanted to ask something of you.

Look after my brother and your sister, even Appa and Momo, make sure they'll be safe at all times, yourself included. Please.

Until we see each other again,"

- Your friend, (Y/N)

"I don't believe it." Sokka said, with tears threatening to fall down his face.

"What's wrong?" Aang asked with a yawn, "What's that?"

"(Y/N), she- she left." Sokka said with a lump in his throat.

"What do you mean she left? And what about Katara?" Aang asked, waking a sudden anger in Sokka.

"Katara took the scroll and went to self teach herself! And (Y/N) left because my sister made her feel like she is a danger to us!" He shouted at the younger boy. Aang said nothing but looked at the ground.

"Aang, I'm sorry I shouted. I jus-" Sokka said but was cut off by the bald boy, "I know, and it's ok. I'm pretty sure once things have calmed down between the girls, things will be just as it was."

"Hey, where's your note, Aang?" Sokka asked while pointing to his note for an example.

"Uh, I don't think I got one..."

Then Momo popped up with something in his paw, "Whatcha got there, Momo?" Aang asked as he got the item from his small friend. "It's a note of some kind."

"That must be it." Sokka said as he opened it and read Aang's out loud.


I'm leaving. I've realised that I'm a danger to our friends and the world, including you.

Before I do leave, I need to tell you something important otherwise I will never get the chance to tell you:

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