(Y/N)'s spiritual journey

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"The mountains whisper for me to wander; 

my soul hikes to the call."

- Angie Weiland-Crosby


I feel water under me and see the sky is pink with shades of oranges and reds. It looked like a sunset and sunrise were happening at the exact time. It was truly beautiful.

I get up, noticing how shallow the water is. I tried to waterbend the water out of my clothes, but there was no water to bend on me. "(Y/N)." A voice called, or many. It sounded like there was a crowd of women, both young and old, coming from all directions. I turn to where I think the voices come from, only to be unsuccessful with finding nothing. Maybe if I walk a little bit I could find someone. Maybe I can find Sokka.

"(Y/N). This way." The voices spoke again. I felt something touch my back, where my tattoo is. I turned around and saw a shadow of some kind in the distance, gesturing for me to follow. "Do you know where I am?" It said nothing but carried on walking, gesturing me to follow again.

I feel hesitant, but it sure is better than staying all alone in the middle of nowhere.

Welp, I better start walking.


Aang's POV
Fang takes me back to the statue of a panda at high speed, with my body on top. "Whoa!" I tried to shield myself, bracing the collision. Suddenly, Fang disappears into the statue and I'm returned to my body. I look around the area and jump down from the statue. But I stopped and stared at the statue I was returned to, before opening my glider and flying back to the village.


Katara's POV
I stand next to the village's entrance, hoping I would see Aang, Sokka and (y/n). I don't know how long it will take for me to stand here, but I will be here for when they come back.

I saw Aang walking towards me and the village. I couldn't help but run to him, embracing him as soon as I reached him. "You're back! Where's Sokka and (y/n)?"

"I'm not sure ..." He said, sounding distant as he spoke. "But I know what to do to hopefully get them back." He spoke again, more cheerful. It gave me hope, but made me worry at the same time.


Third person POV
Evening arrives and Iroh is surrounded by the earthbender soldiers in a ditch. "These dangerous hands must be crushed." He brings up a boulder and prepares to drop it. However, Zuko jumps in and kicks the rock away before breaking Iroh's chain with the heel of his boot. "Excellent form, Prince Zuko." Iroh complimented, while getting into his fighting stance.

"You taught me well." Zuko said to his uncle, also preparing for the match. The Earth Kingdom soldiers surrounded the two while they prepared to fight the two firebenders. "Surrender yourselves. It's five against two. You're clearly outnumbered." The captain spoke in a threatening voice. "Yeah, that's true, but you are clearly outmatched." Iroh countered.

The earthbenders fire rocks, but Iroh destroys them with the chains around his wrists. Zuko takes out two soldiers with fire. A rock is fired at him, but Iroh catches it and throws it back at the soldiers, knocking them down. The captain fires three rocks at Zuko, which he dodges easily. Zuko counters with fire blasts that are barely dodged. The captain brings up a large mass of rock, however, Iroh throws his chains around the earthbender's ankles, knocking him and causing the rocks to fall on top of him and his soldiers. They all groan in defeat.

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