The attack of a spirit

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"The beasts and spirits heaved a deep breath, 

and returned to the depths of a forest that had lost its heart."

- 1Q84


(Y/N)'s POV
Sunset was dying in the sky as we arrived at the village. But I saw a giant creature destroying the town. "I command you to turn around now!" A familiar voice spoke, it's Aang. The creature flung him across the town. I grabbed a rock and threw it, "Hey! Over here! C'mon!" I shouted, grabbing my Kama out of my belt, ready for a battle.

The monster looks at me and charges toward me. "(Y/N)!" I heard Sokka shout, but I didn't acknowledge it as I charged at it. Just then, I get grabbed by its hand around my waist. "Hei Bai, let her go!" Sokka shouted once again, with him Aang. But caused him to be grabbed by the 'Hei Bai', then it dashed into the forest, "Aang! Help!" We shouted at the same time to Aang.

"Hang on guys!" He said as he grabbed Sokka grabbed his hand with one of his and used his other hand to hold mine. But Aang got knocked out by something. Then we were no longer in the physical world.

We're in the Spirit World.


Zuko's POV
Uncle hasn't arrived at the ship when I told him I would give him half-hour until I'll leave, but I only said that so he can hurry up and we won't lose the Avatar's or (y/n)'s trail. I brought two soldiers with me and we walked back to the hot springs, but no one was there. "Uncle! Uncle, where are you?" I called, only to have no reply from him.

"Sir, maybe he thought you left without him." one the guards said, but uncle wouldn't just leave a relaxing bath like that, even his clothes are left here. "Something's not right here." Then I spotted something, "That pile of rocks." I crouched down, examining the pile.

"It looks like there's been a landslide, sir." the other guard said, did these idiots get into the army because of their level of stupidity? "Land doesn't slide uphill. Those rocks didn't move naturally." I stood up straight, and came to the conclusion, "My uncle's been captured by earthbenders!"


Third person POV
Meanwhile, the Earth Kingdom soldiers and Iroh rode on ostrich horses. One of them is holding a touch for light. "Where are you taking me?" Iroh asked his captors. "We're taking you to face justice." the earthbender captain answered in a plain tone.

"Right, but where, specifically?" Iroh asked once again, "A place you're quite familiar with, actually. You once laid siege to it for 600 days, but it would not yield to you." The earthbender captain answered to the tea loving man. "Ah, the great city of Ba Sing Se." Iroh said in admiration of the city's name.

"It was greater than you were, apparently." The earthbender said, mocking Iroh. "I acknowledge my defeat at Ba Sing Se. After 600 days away from home, my men were tired, and I was tired. And I'm still tired." He said with a yawn and fell off one of the horses. He is quickly picked back up. However, he leaves one of his sandals behind and smiles cunningly at how the soldiers didn't notice it.

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