Senlin village

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"Small towns have their own heartbeat, 

no matter how many people come and go."

- Mitch Alborn


Aang's POV
"This young person is the Avatar!" Kay-fon exclaimed to an older man as we arrived at the village. "So, the rumors of your return are true! It is the greatest honor of a lifetime to be in your presence. We also heard the rumors of a sister of yours, is she here with you?" The older man, who I'm guessing is the village's leader.

"Nice to meet you too! I'm sorry, my sister went on a fly around the area with her dragon, Miku. She'll probably be on her way soon. So ... is there something I can help you with?" I said. "I'm not sure..." he said distractedly. Okay, now I'm confused.

"Our village is in crisis, he's our only hope!" Kay-fon argued with the leader, then he turned to us. "For the last few days at sunset, a spirit monster comes and attacks our village. He is Hei Bai, the black and white spirit." He explained. "Why is it attacking you?" Sokka asked.

"We do not know, but each of the last three nights, he has abducted one of our own. We are especially fearful because the winter solstice draws near." The leader spoke again, with slight fear rising in his voice.

"What happens then?" Katara asked. "As the solstice approaches, the natural world and the Spirit World grow closer and closer until the line between them is blurred completely." Kay-fon answered. "Hei Bai is already causing devastation and destruction. Once the solstice is here, there's no telling what will happen." The leader spoke again.

"So, what do you want me to do, exactly?" I asked.

"Who better to resolve a crisis between our world and the Spirit World than the Avatar himself? You are the great bridge between man and spirits." Kay-fon gestured to me as he spoke.

"Right ... that's me." I said with uncertainty. "Hey great bridge guy, could I talk to you over here for a second?" Katara said, then leading me to a random window. "Aang, you seem a little unsure about all of this." She said to me quieter.

"Yeah, that might be because I don't know anything at all about the Spirit World. It's not like there's someone to teach me this stuff!" I answered, becoming stressed. "So ... can you help these people?" she asked. "I have to try, don't I? Maybe whatever I have to do will just ... come to me." Then Momo lands on my shoulder.

"I think you can do it, Aang." Katara said with a kind and reassuring smile. "Yeah." Sokka said with a similar expression, until he ruined it. "We're all going to get eaten by a spirit monster."


Third person POV
At the hot spring, a sleeping Iroh is awoken by a nearby stirring in the trees. "Who's there?" he called only to see a rat-like creature, "A meadow vole! I should have known." He takes the animal into the palm of his hand. "You startled me little one. It seems I dozed and missed my nephew's deadline, but it was a very sweet nap."

The meadow vole leaps up and down, followed by shaking and the ground moving toward Iroh. Suddenly, the rock at the bottom of the spring jumps up, capturing him. Three Earth Kingdom soldiers surrounding him. One of the soldiers picks up Iroh's clothes, "He's a Fire Nation soldier." The Earthbender captain shook his head at the soldier's observation, "He's no ordinary soldier. This is the Fire Lord's brother, the Dragon of the West. the once-great General Iroh, but now, he's our prisoner." Iroh gives the captain a stern look.

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