Aang's spiritual journey.

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"I'm trying to shut up and let my angels speak to me 

and tell me what I'm supposed to do."

- Patrick Swayze [Actors in real life]


Aang's POV
I walked back to Senlin village in defeat. I failed to talk to a spirit and to save Sokka and (y/n). How am I supposed to save the world from the Fire Nation when I can't save my friends from a giant spirit.

I saw Katara at the village entrance, talking with Kay-fon. I didn't really pay attention to conversation, since I was busy telling myself how much I failed.

"Katara? Katara, I lost him." I said, noticing that the sun is up now. "The sun is rising. Perhaps he will return soon." I heard Kay-fon say, making me confused. "What? No, I'm right here!" I said as I waved my hand over his face, only to see that I'm blue. It took me a minute until I knew what happened, "I'm in the Spirit World!"


Zuko's POV
The sun's up and I still haven't found my uncle. I rode on my rhino on the rocky path, until I found something in the path. It looks like a sandal, maybe it belongs to uncle. I got off my rhino and look at the sandal closely, only to instantly regret it because of how terrible the smell was. "Yeah, that's Uncle Iroh." I re-mount on the rhino and continued on the road, mentally thanking uncle for the help.


Aang's POV
"I'll figure this out, Katara. I promise. Like they said, I'm the bridge between the worlds, right? All I have to do is ... figure out what I have to do. But once I do that, no problem." Then I see Appa and Miku arrive, looking worried. "Appa! Hey buddy, I'm right here!" They help cheer up katara by nudging for attention. "But, I guess you can't see me either."

"It's okay you two, don't worry. I'm sure they're on their way back. I bet they even found a bunch of moon peaches for a treat for you Appa, and maybe some meat treats for you Miku." Then the three left back to the village.

"What am I supposed to do? Avatar Roku, how can I talk to you?" I sighed in disappointment, then I heard something, "Sokka? (Y/N)?" But instead of finding my friends, I see a dragon coming towards me, but it isn't Miku. "That's definitely not anyone I know." I tried to fly away using my airbending, but it didn't work at all. "What? I can't airbend in the Spirit World." The dragon lands in front of me.

"You don't know where my friends are, do you?" It doesn't say a word, but touches my head, showing me a vision of Avatar Roku flying on the dragon. "You're Avatar Roku's animal guide! Like Appa is to me! I need to save my friends and I don't know how! Is there some way for me to talk to Roku?" He curls around me, and I get on. I look at the village, "I'll be back, Katara. Take me to Roku!" Then we were off.


Third person POV
On the mountain side where the earthbenders are leading Iroh through. He looks at the skies and notices the dragon with Aang on, making a gasp in wonder of the two. "What's the problem?" The captain asks in a threatening tone drooling from his voice.

"Nothing." He pauses briefly, then thinks of a plan. "Actually, there is a bit of a problem. My old joints are sore and aching, and these shackles are too loose." He said in a slight whiny voice. "Too loose?" The captain asks, raising an eyebrow.

"That's right. The cuffs move and jangle around and bump my wrists. It would help me if you tighten them so they wouldn't shake around so much." The captain thought about it and allowed it, "Very well. Corporal, tighten the prisoner's handcuffs."

All three ostrich horses stop. The corporal dismounts and moves to Iroh. As he touches his handcuffs, Iroh breathes deeply and heats them up. He pushes the corporal's hand to the cuffs, causing him to scream in pain. Iroh jumps free and blasts fire at the soldiers. He rolls down the hill as the soldiers try to control their ostrich horses.


Aang's POV

ang, Roku's dragon, takes me to a temple on an island that I've never been to before. He's heading straight toward the roof of the temple. And not stopping! "Hey, what are you doing?" I screamed as we made contact with the roof, but we didn't crash, instead we were in a mysterious room with a statue of Roku. I get off Fang in confusion, "I don't understand, this is just a statue of Roku."

Fang presses one of his feelers to my forehead, giving me another vision. The vision had a comet in it. "Is that what Roku wants to talk to me about? A comet? When can I talk to him?" He moves his head down, allowing a beam of light to appear, it was just to the right of Roku's statue. Then another feeler pressed on my forehead, showing me a vision of the sun setting and rising repeatedly, and the light closing in on Roku's face. "It's a calendar, and the light will reach Roku on the solstice! So, that's when I'll be able to speak to Roku?" Fang nods a yes. "But I can't wait that long! I need to save (y/n) and Sokka now!" I then remounted on Fang and he took me from the temple.


Third person POV
Back with Iroh, who is still rolling down the hill. But one of the soldiers hits him with a rockslide. All of the soldiers chase after him, finally reaching him at the bottom of the hill. "He's too dangerous, Captain! We just can't carry him to the Capital! We have to do something now!" One of the soldiers said once they had Iroh in their grasp.

The earthbender captain agreed, "He must be dealt with immediately and severely. Iroh spits out a rock out of his mouth, glaring at the earthbender captors.


Katara's POV
Me and Appa flew in the sky over the forest while Miku was scouting below on a smaller appearance scale. "It's no use, Appa. I don't see them anywhere." Then Miku came back, looking upset. "No luck either Miku? I guess our best hope is to go back to the village and wait." I said with a sigh. Then I pulled Appa's reins and we flew back to the village. I just hope that they are okay.


(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up with a horrible headache. Everything is so blurry and fuzzy. But I do know that I'm not in the Earth, Fire, Water, or Air Nations.

Which got me thinking. 'Where the fuck am I?'

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