Saving hope

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"For the past two years we have lived in fear.
Now we can live in hope."

- The diary of Anne Frank


(Y/N)'s POV
Me and Aang closed off all vents, but left the one that would lead straight to the courtyard. "Okay. I think we're done." I say, feeling good about this plan. Aang popped up and gave me a thumbs up. "Let's give 'em some earth!" he yelled as we fell and airbended the coal up the open vent.

We followed the wave of earth, pushing it to the courtyard. I landed on the pile of rocks like a pro, while Aang landed on his back on the pile, both of us coughing and covered in soot and dirt.

I stood up and saw Katara run over and on top of the pile, turning to the earthbenders. He grabbed a piece of coal and lifted it in the air, "Here's your chance, earthbender! Take it! Your fate is in your own hands!" I saw Haru bolt to us without hesitation, but Tyro throws his hand up, bracing his son's chest to halt his advance.

The warden bursts out into a highly amused laughter, I glared daggers right into his ugly bitchy face of his. "Foolish girl. You thought a few inspirational words and some coal would change these people? Look at these blank, hopeless faces. Their spirits were broken a long time ago." I looked at Katara, seeing her expression dim as she looks at the prisoners in defeat. "Oh, but you still believe in them. How sweet. They're a waste of your energy little girl. You failed."

As soon as he finished his speech, he turned to leave. As he does so, I look at Haru and give him a short nod. At the same time, we threw two pieces of coal on the back of his head using our earthbending. Clearly outraged, he spun around and saw us standing defiantly, Haru lifting three pieces of coals above his hand and I had a piece of coal levitating in one hand, and fire growing in the other. "You're a firebender?!" The warden questioned with a shout. I laughed darkly at his observation, "Oh, you don't know the half of it."

The warden sends a fire blast at Haru, but before I could react, Tyro raises a wall of coal blocking the flames. The guards are rushing into line and preparing for battle, "Show no mercy!" The guards sent a combined fire blast toward the rest of us, which I made two water streams and connected them in the middle of the blast, creating a steam cloud. Another blast was sent our way, this time the earthbenders (including Haru, Tyro and me) worked together to haul a sizable mass of coal to block the fire. "For the Earth Kingdom, attack!" Tyro ordered.

I grabbed a few soldiers with a water tentacle, dropping them to the water with a splash. Katara ran off with Aang and Sokka and fought off some soldiers.

"Get to the ships! We'll hold them off!" Tyro commanded some earthbenders. "Do not let them escape!" The warden yelled. I ran to Tyro and he looked at me with shock, "(Y/N). Your eyes are green and blue." He said with shock, "Don't worry. It happens sometimes. Shall we?" He nodded and we worked together to lift coal beneath the beaten soldiers, including the warden, moving them away from the rig and over the ocean.

"No, please! I can't swim!" The warden pleaded, reaching his hand out to us. "Don't worry. I hear cowards float." Tyro said, "Bitches too." I added. Then we drop them into the ocean, watching them try to get swim back with amusement.


Third person POV
On the barge headed to the earthbenders' homes, Haru and Tyro approached Katara and (y/n) on its deck. "I want to thank you both for saving me. For saving us." The girls turned to face him, "All it took was a little coal." Katara said. "Are you kidding? Katara, it wasn't just the coal, it was you and your words. Sure, it was my plan, but you made it happen, all of this happen." She said, gesturing to the now free earthbenders.

"She's right Katara. Thank you for helping me find my courage, Katara of the Water Tribe. My family and everyone here owes you much. And thank you, (y/n) of the Air Nation. Your bending helped us win. This will help us take back our village from the Fire Nation." Tyro said, before yelling to the others, "To take back all of our villages! The Fire Nation will regret the day they set foot on our land!" the earthbenders roared in cheers in reply.

"Come with us." Haru offered to the Water Tribe girl, "We can't. Your mission is to take back your home. Ours is to get Aang to the North Pole." Katara answered. (Y/N) said her goodbyes to Tyro and Haru and even Lia. "Who knew that the girl that got arrested for earthbending, is a master of all four elements and is the sister of the Avatar." Then Miku popped out of (y/n)'s top and greeted the earthbender, "And has a pet dragon." they shared a laugh, "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." (Y/N) answered with a wink.

"I am going to miss you though." Lia said, sad that her new friend is leaving. "Me too." They brought each other into a hug goodbye then Miku grew big enough for (y/n) to ride.

"Okay guys, time to go!" Sokka called the others. Katara looked to be in distress, "My necklace is gone!" She said in a panicked voice as she climbed on Appa, "I'm pretty we'll find it." Aang said, attempting to calm her down.


Back on the prison rig, Zuko stands alone facing the sunset amid coal lying sparsely on the deck. He finds a necklace that belonged to the Water Tribe. It was Katara's necklace. He grabs it in his fingers, lifting it to stare at it grimly, "I'm close." He muttered to himself, before going back on his ship.

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