Puddle finding

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"When life throws you a rainy day,

play in the puddles."

- Pooh Bear


Sokka's POV
I look at (y/n)'s face, looking to be at peace in her sleep. I couldn't help but think about what happened yesterday at the solstice. That she ate a guy's head off! And Zuko helped us get her back! It didn't sound right. It just...isn't right. They aren't right. Those two...together...isn't right.

I shake the thoughts out of my head, reminding myself of the important matter. I need to wake (y/n) up.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" I said to the sleeping yet beautiful (y/n). "No...Mornings bad, sleep good." She replies with a whiny voice. I look to Aang, mentally asking him if I could do something, but he was busy getting us to a puddle for Katara and he [maybe (y/n) as well] could splash in. But I still have to ask Aang. "Hey Aang. By any chance would you know where is (y/n)'s...tickle spot?" he takes a quick peek at her then whispers where it is. "She will kill you. You know that right?" he asks with a small smirk. "Yep!" I said making a 'pop' sound, "But it'll be worth it!"

I turn back to (y/n) and move closer to her slowly and quietly. I see Katara looking at me with a questioning look, I put a finger against my lips telling her to be quiet, which she answers with a nod and a smirk. Aang pokes his head over the saddle and also smirking.

I wait for a few seconds before attacking her tickle spot on her hips. Instantly, she starts laughing her head off. "Ahh! No, s-stop! I'm up! I'm up!" she practically screams in between breaths. I stop, laughing as well. "I'll say it again. Good morning, sleepy head!"

"Morning." she said sarcastically, "Hey! I thought Sokka was the sarcastic one!" Katara said to (y/n), which got everyone laughing. Everyone but me. I glare at Katara, then look at (y/n).

She looks so beautiful when she smiles, it's like the feeling of warmth of a summer's day. Her (e/c) eyes seem to shine brighter than both the moon and sun. . Her long (h/c) flows through the wind like a leaf caught in the wind. Basically she is like a rare treasure that only the luckiest people can have. No one deserves her. Not this treasure.

"Hey guys! I found a good place for us to land!" Aang informs us, pulling me from my thoughts. "Does it have a puddle to splash in?" I ask sarcastically, to no one in particular. "I sure hope so. Miku need a good wash." (y/n) says as she stretches. At the same time, Miku pops up by the word wash, fear written all over her face.


(Y/N)'s POV
Aang really did find a place for us to land. It is a beautiful forest area with a large waterfall and river. I look at the others, noticing Aang and Katara's ecstatic features and Momo's face that was full of amazement. I also see that...Sokka's frowning, "Nice puddle." he says, still frowning.

Appa flies down into the river and creates a huge splash that soaks, turns over and floats on his back. Both Miku and Momo follow Appa and jump in.

Aang takes off his shirt with a wide smile, "Yeah! Don't start without me, guys!" he calls and begins to run toward us, but Katara stops him. "Remember the reason we're here." What reason? Did I miss something? "Oh right. Time to practise waterbending." he puts his clothes back on and goes with Katara.

"Great. So what am I supposed to do?" Sokka asks out of the blue to the others. "You could...clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." Aang hands Sokka a branch with a bushel of leaves at the end. I giggle at the silly suggestion, which got me a glare from Aang. "If you want Sokka, you can also clean Miku as well." Sokka looks to be in thought while Katara looks at me with slight fear.

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