The city of Omashu

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"Good times & crazy friends 

make the best memories"


Third person POV
"The Earth kingdom of Omashu! Me and (y/n) used to come here to visit our friends, bumi and Anya." Aang stated with excitement, while looking at the pyramid-like structured city. Katara looked at the city with her breath taken away, "Wow. we don't have buildings like this in the South Pole!" While Sokka looked overwhelmed by the view, "They have buildings here that don't melt!" (Y/n) looked at him with an expression on her face that says 'you can't be serious'.

"Well let's go, slow pokes. The real fun's inside the city!" Aang shouted as he leaped off Appa with his airbending, (y/n) following. "Aang wait! It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar, and the same thing when they find out about your more-than-one-element-thing." They both stopped by the sound of Katara's worry. "You both need disguises." Sokka said, sounding somewhat serious.

The airbender siblings turned to the watertribe siblings, "So what are we supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" Aang said with a small hint of sarcasm in his voice. (Y/N) looked at everyone individually, "I think I have an idea."


Aang wriggled his nose, since he has Appa's fur serving as a mustache, and a tall wig made of the same material. "Ugh. This is so itchy." He said as he scratched under the wig of fur, he turned to Appa, "How do you live in this stuff?" Appa slowly turns his head towards Aang and snorts at him, as if he was scoffing.

"Great! Now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka, who was sitting on a rock with Katara standing beside him with her arms crossed, said. Katara glanced at her brother, "Technically, Aang is 112 years old." She looked around and found someone in their group disappeared. "Wait, where's (y/n)?" the others start glancing about the field, until they hear a familiar voice. "Are you guys ready now, or do I have to go by myself?" (Y/N) asked with her hands on her hips.

She wore the same Water Tribe clothes as Katara, since it was a spare. The only difference was the belf (y/n) made for her twin Kamas, just in case. "Great, as we are all together again." Aang said as he nimbly kicks up his staff and spins it rapidly before placing it upright on the ground to be used as a walking stick. He hunches his back and leans heavily on his staff like an old person. "Now let's get to skippin', young whipper-snappers. The big city awaits!" He said in the best old man voice he can make while he shuffles towards Omashu.


"You two are to love Omashu. The people here are the friendliest in the world." Aang said with enthusiasm as they approached the gates. "Rotten Cabbages?! What kind of slum do you think this is?!" But to his surprise, he hears a harsh voice of the sentry, making the four stop in their tracks. The guard squishes the cabbage that he is holding, then the two out of the merchant's hands. Then he continues by earthbending a rock under the cart, catapulting it high in the air, making it tumble down the chasm with all the cabbages. The cabbage merchant leaning over the rim of the path, dramatically waving his arms in despair, "No! My cabbages!" he screams. (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at the merchant and his cabbages, but stopped when everyone was giving her looks. "Just keep smiling." Aang said somewhat nervously while smiling broadly.

While Aang and (y/n) walk over to the guards, acting like a grandfather and mum to the water tribe kids, who give each other uneasy looks to each other. The guard glares at the four of them aggressively, "State your business!" he said with a boulder over the four. Aang quickly runs from underneath the boulder and towered the guard; he halts right of the surprised man. "My business is my business, young man, and none of yours!" he said in an old man voice while poking the chest of the sentry. The boulder crashes due to lack of concentration the guard had on it. Katara and Sokka managed to jump out of the way, while (y/n) tried to get Aang away from the soldier, "I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!" He continued, pointing a finger threatenly centimeters from the sentry's face.

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