Winter solstice

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"Don't think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. 

It's quiet but the roots are down there riotous."

- Rumi


{Attention! This chapter will involve gore. I'll tell you when, be prepared.}

(Y/N)'s POV
I literally emptied my bag and laid everything out on Appa's saddle, hoping there was a sign telling me which object is possessed. But then I heard whispers of my name. I hovered my hand and closed my eyes, focusing on the whispers telling me what I must use by going louder or quieter as I passed the items. I stopped my hand as soon as the whispering was pretty much pounding my skull. I open my eyes and see a gold bracelet that has a dragon head on one side and it is covered with crystals on the top half of the chain.

 I open my eyes and see a gold bracelet that has a dragon head on one side and it is covered with crystals on the top half of the chain

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"(Y/N)." A familiar voice, or voices called. I look up and see Wanda, with three other spirits. "Hi Wanda. Who are they? And I never got to ask, what kind of spirits are you?" I asked, pointing to the other three. They all looked like her but different coloured eyes and two of them looked to be males. The other shadow woman had sapphire blue eyes, while the two men had emerald green and cyan coloured eyes. "Me and my siblings are going to help you. This is my waterbending sister, Siren. And these are my earthbending and airbending brothers, Dustin and Anil. We are all dragon spirits." They all gave me waves as Wanda spoke the last sentence, which I returned.

"So, you said I would have a spirit that will possess me, right?" They all nod in unison, "Then can I ask why all of you are here? Also, I thought dragons were only able to breathe and bend fire." It took a minute of them exchanging looks between each other before giving me an answer, "We thought since you are able to bend all four elements, it would be best if all four of us possess you. Also, dragons you know or have heard of breathe or bend fire, but we are the original dragons. It was the same thing with all elements before they got segregated into the different elemental animals you know nowadays." The male shadow with green eyes said, "Oh and I'm Dustin, Anil is the airbending one. Just so you don't get confused." He adds with a wink while gesturing to the one with cyan eyes, Anil.

"I guess that explains why you are all siblings and- Wait. If all of you possess me, what if I die in the process? What if I can't handle more than one spirit in me?" I ask in a panicky voice, leading up to me hyperventilating. A shadowy hand lands on my shoulder, I look up and see it's the female one with sapphire eyes, Siren, there. "Don't worry, lady (y/n). We won't let anything happen to you, we will only be in this bracelet for when you need us, nothing else. You are also stronger than any human we have ever helped." I managed to calm myself down before I gave a nod in understanding to her, then she walks to the others.

"We can talk about the past another time. Now, if you are ready, we can-." Wanda was about to finish but Anil interrupted her, "We might need to hurry. The Fire Nation's surrounding the island." I gasped, but managed to calm myself again, "Then what are we waiting for?" I ask in confidence, Wanda nods and walks over to me, as does Siren, Dustin and Anil. They whisper some kind of small chant before they disappear into the bracelet. At first, I didn't feel anything. But I put my twin Kamas on my back and got on Miku. "Miku, hut-hut." And with that, we start heading to the temple, full determination and power flowing through my veins.

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