Questions, answers and a meal

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"Sometimes the questions are complicated 

and the answers are simple."

- Dr. Seuss


Zuko's POV

I walked through the corridors towards her room, while thinking of the best way to ask her to join me and uncle for dinner. 'Ask her politely? That might work, but she might think that I'm desperate. Maybe command her? No! She wouldn't want to leave her room ever again and I won't be able to know her a bit more. Ugh! What is wrong with me? Why am I finding it so hard to ask a lady to dinner? Women so hard to ask something for.'

I found myself at her door of her room, but I still don't have a way to ask her. 'I'll just have to go with the "flow" like the water. Just like Uncle once said.' I sighed, pulling my hand up to knock. I knocked with a slight rhythm to it, now waiting for a reply. "Come in." It was her voice, it sounded cheerful yet she sounded like she's been crying. I took a deep breath in before opening the door and entering the room.

I stepped in and closed the door behind me. I found her on the bed with a book in her hand. I cleared my throat to grab her attention, then she looked at me and her face brightened "Hello, princey. For what do I hold for pleasure?" she said in a more cheerful tone, but I could still tell that she was upset. "I-I was wondering-Well, uncle and I were wondering if you could join us for dinner?" I asked her while looking to the ground. She's probably thinking that I looked and sounded pretty pathetic right now.

"Sure, I am quite hungry now that you mention it." I looked up in surprise, I didn't think she would actually say yes. "Question: Can Miku join us? I think she would need to be fed too." I looked to her right and saw her dragon, which was now small enough to fit in a draw, pop up from the blankets with its tail waving around and its tongue out. 'How did it shrink?!' I heard laughter coming from (y/n), breaking from my disbelieving thoughts.

"Um, sure. A-as long as she doesn't make a mess." I mentally kicked myself. 'What has she done to me? Why can't I talk to her properly?' She picked up the now small creature and giggled as she walked up to me, "Don't worry. She'll behave, I promise." She walked to the door frame, then turned to me looking slightly embarrassed "Um, could you show us where we need to go, please?"

"Follow me." I walked down the hall, but made sure she was following me. We were in silence before I broke it "Um, Can ask you something?" She picked up her pace to hear me better. "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"What were you reading earlier? It looked interesting." She looked at me, seeing if I was telling the truth, which I was. "It was a script of a play that me and my mother love." I slightly smiled, knowing what it's like to share an interest with a mother. "What is it called?"

"The play was called 'love amongst the dragons'."


Iroh's POV

After I spoke to the chef, asking him if (y/n)'s meal is suitable for airbenders like her. Although, I couldn't help but think about what she told me yesterday "My mother was a firebender." Then I thought about what Zuko was talking about earlier today "Uncle, I thought she was an airbender. How is this possible?"

I knew Zuko would ask some questions about today and about the iceberg, which is probably one of the reasons why he wanted her to join us for a meal. I know there must be another reason as to why he seemed in slight distraught. I guess we will find out the other reason when we eat. I entered the dining room and thought of an idea. An idea that will help the two teenagers become more than just strangers. I just hope he didn't do anything bad to offend her...

Avatar: Things Are Not The Same As It Once Was || Book 1: The World In FlamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora