Before the storm

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The sky was displaying beautiful colours from the sunset in front of me and Miku. We were just gliding through the air, the breeze moving my hair in many directions behind me. I heard giggling from an old man and turned my head to the right to see what it was Iroh on a glider, smiling contently at me as he glided through the air. I smiled back the same contented grin. Then I heard a small roar on my left hand side and a second later I saw another dragon like Miku, but it's made of both fire and air. Riding on the mixed dragon was Zuko, he looked at me and smiled at me. I felt my heart melt as my face heated up. I shook my head and smiled back with a wave.

"We need you, (y/n)." I heard Zuko say, but it sounded like an echo through the sky. I looked at him full of content saying I needed him too. But something didn't feel right, I looked back and found a huge storm with Aang and Appa in the middle of it.

I shouted for my brother and tried to get Miku to go faster to get him, but we were... too late. I screamed for anyone while looking around frantically, trying to find anyone. I stopped when I noticed five familiar figures floating in front of me. "Mom? Luci? Nita? Azulon?" I asked in surprise and realised that I wasn't on Miku now.

One by one, they began asking me questions that I don't even know the answer to without making it sound like an excuse, "Why did you leave us? Why didn't you tell us what was happening? Why did you go? Why did you disappear?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you guys. And I didn't mean to go. I-I don't even know why I did it, I guess I just did it." I answered truthfully. If I told you that I didn't feel or sound upset, I would be a pretty shit liar. I reached out to them but one by one, they turned to dust and slowly dissipated away.

Before I knew it, I was back on Miku and I was in the dark storm cloud from earlier. I tried turning Miku away, but everywhere I look, there's no way out. "We need you, (y/n)." I heard my friends, my mother's and Zuko's voices echo over the thunder and lightning clashes. We fell through the sky, hitting the mighty waves. As me and Miku were slowly losing consciousness while sinking into the unknown, I saw Zuko trying to grab me. I tried to reach up to him, but everything went black before I could get to him. For a fraction of a second, I saw a silhouette of the Fire lord on his throne with flames surrounding him and my demon self, smiling at me with a horrifying smile.

~Dream end~

I shot my eyes open as I gasped for air. Thank god that it was just a dream, but it felt very vivid and real. I felt the water piling up in my eyes as I was trying to calm down from the nightmare I just had.

I felt that something was next to me and I didn't care what it was so I cuddled into it.

It wasn't until it moved slightly that I realised it wasn't an object, but a person. I slowly and carefully looked up to see who it was and found my face was inches away from Zuko's. I felt my cheek heat up as I looked at his restful face. He looked so calm and... at peace. I can't help but smile at how handsome he looked. Sure he always looked handsome, well maybe without the weird ponytail and a little hair growth, but he still looked very handsome.

I saw his eyes flutter open and met my own. I felt so entranced by his eyes and felt like I was in a whole new world with just the two of us. I think I like him more than a friend, I spoke about my feelings towards him withvIroh and he said that Zuko apparently had the same feelings, but I don't know.

I was so caught up by my own thoughts about my feelings that I didn't realise that something crashed onto my lips. My eyes widened when the person that was kissing me was none other than Zuko.

Wait a damn minute.

Holy fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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