"Hope is dead here"

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"I found freedom.
Losing all hope was freedom."

-Fight club


Katara's POV
I stood in a line with six prisoners on the deck of the prison. Miku shrunk small enough for her to be here undetected in my pocket of my blue outfit, "You okay, Miku?" I whispered enough for her to hear. She gave me a sad growl, softly enough for me to hear. "Don't worry. You'll see her in a moment, I promise." I felt her tail wag around slightly, until we heard footsteps approaching us.

There were two spear-wielding Fire Nation guards standing at either side of someone else, who must be the warden. "Earthbenders. It is my pleasure to welcome you aboard my modest shipyard. I am your warden. I prefer to think of you not as prisoners, but as honored guests. And I hope you come to think of me as your humble and caring host. You will succeed here, if you simply abide-" He began smugly and pacing nonchalantly, but pauses by the interruption of a prisoner in line coughing. With no warning, the warden leaps into the air and aims a blast of fire at the prisoner's legs in anger. The prison cowers away for safety as the warden stands defiantly toward the man.

"What kind of guest dishonors his host by interrupting him?! Take him below!" He shouted frustrated, swinging his arms. Some guards escort the poor man away, the warden turns around and mutters something, then turns back to his smug look. "Simply treat me with the courtesy that I give you-" He approaches me, staring at my stubborn expression, mentally telling him I will get out of here. I cross my eyebrows, scowling coarsely at the man in front of me. "And we'll get along famously." He finished.

We were then taken on a tour of the facility. Below, I could see prisoners labouring, guessing it's against their will. "You will notice, earthbenders, that this rig is made entirely of metal. You are miles away from any rock or earth." I stop in my step, glancing over the expansive ocean to the land far away from where I am. "So, if you have any illusions about employing that brutish savagery that passes for bending among you people ... forget them. It is impossible. Good day." He finished in a low voice.

A guard then escorted us into the prison courtyard. I entered last and the metal gates close behind me. "Katara?" A surprised male voice said behind me. It was Haru. I run and hug him, "Haru!"

"Katara? What are you doing here?" another voice said, it was female. It was (y/n). I hug her, "It's my fault you were captured. I came to rescue you. Both of you." I told them apologetically.

"So, you got yourself arrested?" Haru asked in shock. I nodded, "It was the only way to find you guys." (y/n) looked impressed at me,"You've got guts, Katara. I'll give you that." then Miku popped up and hugged her by wrapping herself around (y/n)'s hand, "And you brought a dragon here? Yep. You, my friend, are a keeper." She winked at me, I felt my face warm up by her. I think I'm blushing, but why? She's just said a nice thing to say to a friend, right?

"Come on. There's someone I want you to meet, Katara." Haru said as (y/n) held my hand as Haru guided us through the crowd. I felt my face get slightly hotter by the touch of her hand. What is she doing to me?

We approached an old, gray-bearded man eating dinner among other prisoners. "Katara. This is my father, Tyro." the older man looks up at us and smiles, "Dad. this is Katara. The one me and (y/n) have been telling you about." I bow slightly to him, "It's an honor to meet you."

"Have some dinner, Katara." Tyro said as he handed me a bowl. I kindly accept it, but grimaces at the sludge. "It's not as bad as it looks." he reassures me. I tried a spoonful, but it was the most terrible food to have ever been eaten. (Y/N) seemed to find it amusing, since she chuckled at my reaction, "It's still pretty bad though." she said once she calmed down slightly. Then a prisoner came up and laid a hand on Tyro's shoulder, "Tyro. the prisoners are complaining there aren't enough blankets to go around."

"I'll talk to the guards. In the meantime, make sure the elderly are taken care of. The rest of us simply have to hope for warmer weather." Tyro told him. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your escape plan?" I asked, (y/n) choked on her soup once I finished. "Excuse me?" Tyro asked in slight annoyance.

"You know, the plan to get everyone off the rig? What is it? Mutiny, sabotage?" Everyone in our little circle looked at me with disappointment in their eyes. "The plan? The plan is to survive. Wait out this war. Hope that one day some of us can get back home and forget this ever happened." Tyro said. I was shocked by this, "How can you say that? You sound like you've already given up!" He sighed, "Katara, I admire your courage. And I envy your youth. But people's lives are at stake here. The warden is a ruthless man, and he won't stand for any rebellion. I'm sorry, but we're powerless."

"We'll see about that." I said in a stubborn tone. I stood up and carried a trash can lid and a ladle, I climbed on the top of a wooden table. (Y/N) tried to get me to go back, "Katara, please know that I've tried and failed. It's best to just leave it. As you can see, hope of escaping is dead here." I looked at her with determination, "Clearly you did something wrong then. And hope can never die."

Her eyes showed me that she was hurt, but that wasn't going to stop me from talking to these prisoners, "Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." I ignored her, banging the ladle against the lid to draw attention to the others. "Earthbenders! You don't know me, but I know of you. Every child in my Water Tribe village was rocked to sleep with stories of the brave Earth Kingdom, and the courageous earthbenders who guard its borders. Some of you may think that the Fire Nation has made you powerless. Yes, they have taken away your ability to bend. But they can't take away your courage. And it is your courage they should truly fear! Because it runs deeper than any mine you've been forced to dig, any ocean that keeps you far from home! It is the strength of your hearts that make you who you are. Hearts that will remain unbroken when all rock and stone has eroded away. The time to fight back is now! I can tell you the Avatar has returned! So remember your courage earthbenders, let us fight for our freedom!"

My speech was met with utter silence and a small cough in the background, I fell into sorrow as I realised the silent answer I got. "I told you. Like I said, hope is dead. These people pretty much lost hope since the day they arrived here." I looked at her, clearly hurt. "But, hey. I felt inspired by that speech. It was ... inspirational." She said, trying to lighten the mood up. She isn't being very successful.

(Y/N) sighed, "Come on. It's sleep time anyway." She took my hand again, taking me back to the others. "I'm sorry, Katara." Haru said before laying down on his sleeping mat. (Y/N) setted me up with her sleeping mat, which I tried to refuse but she insisted on me having. I lay my head down, thinking of what to do when Sokka and Aang come and get me. I can't leave these people when they can be back with their families.

As I was thinking, I noticed (y/n) talking to another prisoner. It was a girl, maybe the same age as me, if not a year or two older. I saw them laughing, (y/n) nearly fell on top of her because of how much she was laughing. I felt my blood boil in me, am I really jealous of that prison girl? I mean, she's just an earthbender and (y/n) is Aang's, who is the Avatar, sister who has mastered all four elements.

I decided to just ignore it and go to sleep. Besides, that earthbender is just a girl in a mine town and (y/n) is an amazing human being, who is my friend. That's right, just a friend. That's it.

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