~Not a chapter~

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Hey guys! How are your days/nights? Anyway sorry for not posting a chapter today, because this chapter will be longer than I expected it to be. 

So instead, I made some vines/tik toks that relate to what you have read so far for ya'll. But before we do that, I have a question. What title shall we give (Y/N)? Like we know Aang is the Avatar, so is (y/n), but hers involve around dragons more. I made some ideas but I also want to hear your ideas as well. Comment to vote on the one you like the most:

The Dragon Avatar (I know lame, but it was my first thing that came in my head.)

The Elemental Dragon

The Avatar's Dragon

The Goddess of Flames (sounds weird I know, but I'm working with what I got)

Your choice

I Hope you find or make a name that you liked. Now hope you enjoy these vines!

Aang/ (Y/N): *going into the avatar state/possessed by spirits*

Literally anyone in the area: Oh my god. Oh my god they on xgames mode

*Zuko walks up to (y/n)*

(Y/N): Azulon?

Zuko: Do I lOoK lIkE-

(Y/N): Miku whose here? Whose here?

Miku: *having a malfunction*

(Y/N): And just remember that no one will hate you more than you already hate yourself. *Laughs while dying inside*

(Couldn't find this video without it being a compilation, so this was the best I could do)

~At the Fire Temple~

(Y/N): HoLa NiÑoS

Fire Nation soldiers: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Zuko: I can't find it!

Iroh: What you looking for?

Zuko: My honour

*After (y/n) knows hat happened at the Fire Temple*

(y/n): Honestly, I don't remember. I was probably fucked up. Yeah I was crazy back then. haha 

(I had to do this, lmao 😂)

(Y/N)/Zuko: You remember a time that I liked you?

Zhao: no

(Y/N)/Zuko: Good, 'cause it NEVER happened! Ha ha ho 🖕

(This is the last one!)

Bumi: If your leg get cut off, would it hurt?

Katara/Sokka: *Internally questioning their life choices*

(Y/N): Duh

Bumi: How though?

Aang: 'Cause your leg got cut off, Bumi!

Bumi: Where would you feel the pain?

Aang: In your le- 

Bumi: Exactly, my friends! How are you gonna feel the pain when in your leg...

(y/n)/Bumi/Aang: When your leg is gone?!

Anya: And everyone wondered why I hung round with your three. 🤦‍♂️


Anyways, again sorry that the next chapter is taking longer than expected but I hope that you all enjoy this in the meantime. Hopefully it will be done by next month, or before depends on how fast I will type.
Have a good day/night, bye for now!

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