The earthbender

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"Two possibilities exist:
Either we are alone in the universe
or we are not.
Both are equally terrifying."

- Arthur C. Clark


(Y/N)'s POV
Me and Sokka decided to get food for dinner. We made a bet on whoever gets the best food, the loser has to do what the winner says for the whole day. I might need to make up some good orders to give him.

I found a turkey duck in a small distance. It was alone. If I find some good spices, I could make a curry for me, Sokka and Katara. And if I find some mushrooms, I could make mushroom soup for Aang, since he's vegetarian. I tightened the grip on my twin Kama and readied myself to attack. I swooped down and sliced the neck of the turkey duck.

"Wow. you really know how to hunt, huh?" A voice said behind. I didn't recognise it, but at least he wouldn't really see me since I'm wearing a cloak. I turned quickly and put the same blade to his throat. "Woah, wait. I was just passing by." He said in a panicked voice, while holding his hands up in surrender. He had long black hair with a green headband, and he was wearing Earth Nation attire. His eyes were emerald green that sparkled in the spects of sunlight the sun is giving the forest.

I got the blade off of his neck and took a few steps back, giving space after I attacked him. He looked at me with amazement. "Who are you?" I asked him as I grabbed the turkey duck and put it in a basket I made. "I'm Haru. I was passing by to get to the ravine to practise my earthbending." He explained with a smile. "My name is (y/n). Why do you have to practise your bending away from your village?" His smile disappeared, "The Fire Nation took over our village. They took all of our earthbender warriors, including my father." I gasped at this, I felt so sorry for him.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't tell anyone this. I'm the avatar's sister. And like him, I was in an iceberg for a hundred years. I wasn't with him at first, but we sorted it out a while ago. When we did, he told me that the entire Air Nation was nothing but ashes. What I'm trying to say is, I know how it feels to have someone important in your life taken away from you." He looked at me with shock then it got replaced with sadness. Then he looked like he had an idea. "Would you like to watch me earthbend, maybe you could show me some airbending moves?" He asked, clearly trying to cheer me up. "Sure, let's go." I said with a smile. Then we walked together.


Third person POV
Katara and Aang waited for the others to get our food on a raised, grassy plateau with a gentle stream running beneath it. Katara busied myself by packing up, ready to move on. While Aang laid on the root of a tree, playing with Momo using his airbending. But they noticed Momo screeching when he spotted a sulking Sokka. "Great, you're back!" Aang said enthusiastically as he leaps off the root with his airbending, landing beside us as Sokka digs in his bag. "What's for dinner?" Aang asked.

Sokka got a few different nuts out of his bag. "We've got a few options. First, round nuts. And some kind of oval shaped nut? And some rock-shaped nuts, that might just be rocks." Sokka answered, throwing the rock-shaped nut toward Momo. "Dig in!" Aang and Katara look at each other then back to Sokka. "Seriously ... What did you get?" Katara asked, thinking what her brother gathered was some part of a joke.

Momo coos, and sniffs the rock-shaped nut, before taking it with one of his paws and slapping it against a stone twice. Attempting to break it, he takes it with both paws and slams it down on the big rock. The moment he does so, however, the entire earth quakes, making Momo shriek and his hair stand up on end. "What was that?" Sokka asked.

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