Kyoshi Island

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"I am a warrior, but I'm a girl too."

- Suki


(Y/N)'s POV
Waking up. The one thing I hate doing sometimes, it makes me feel like I died and I could usually smell the dust of the room I slept in. This time was different, all I could smell was burnt sugar. It made me feel more alive than I ever have when I wake up. I silently sniffed around, following the scent, which was from both the bed I'm in and the shirt I don't remember wearing. 'Whose room am I in? And where did I get this shirt?' I asked myself in my head.

I looked around the room and saw Zuko sitting next to the bed, meditating with four candles in front of him. He looked in peace and in deep concentration. I couldn't help but stare at the way he breathed. I was too busy watching him to notice a figure poking his head out of the door. "The only reason you should be interrupting me, is if you have news about the Avatar." I was surprised at how calm he sounded, I quickly closed my eyes as you heard the figure walk in and shut the door behind him with a scroll in its hand, "Well, there is news, Prince Zuko, but you might not like it. Don't get too upset." It was Iroh who spoke, I listened in closely at what news Iroh has brought about my brother.

"Uncle, you taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. Now, whatever you have to say, I'm sure I can take it." I know that even with my eyes closed, I can tell that Iroh was hesitant, "Okay then. We have no idea where he is." I felt heat and heard the flames from the candles as Zuko shouted about this news, but I still didn't open my eyes.

I heard someone open a fan, but I knew it was Iroh, "You should really open a window in here." I was tempted to laugh, but I have to keep in the act that I'm asleep. I heard a scroll being unrolled, it must be a map. "Well, there have been multiple sightings of the Avatar, but he is impossible to track down." I felt someone sit on the foot of the bed, but I didn't move.

"How am I going to find him, Uncle? He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering." Zuko sounded desperate, I mean I would too. If I was told to leave and never to return with only a small crew but the rest of the world is your enemy, and the only hope I have to get the most powerful being in the world that was said to be lost. I feel bad for him. "Miss (y/n). Would you know about what your brother's plan is?" I jumped at the mention of my name, but sighed and sat up. Zuko looked surprised, and Iroh had a sly smirk on his face.

"Can I see the map, please?" Zuko gave me the paper, it had X's marked on random places with lines connecting them. I started to laugh at what I was looking at, then I stopped when I saw Zuko waiting for me to tell them what I figured out. I cleared my throat, "He has no idea of where he is going. He has never travelled by himself before, it was either with me or our father."

~~~Time skip~~~

Third person POV
On the harbour of Kyoshi Island, one of the island's young girls runs up to a fisherman picking up a basket of fish. "Did you hear the news?" She waited for his attention to finish, "The Avatar's on Kyoshi Island!" She said with excitement then ran with the same gleeful face. Due to his utter shock, the fisherman dropped his basket, "Huh?"

The news of the Avatar's current whereabouts has been passed from the fishman while he was delivering the fish to the fishmonger. It wasn't long until the fishmonger would tell one of his buyers he sold the fish to. But the buyer was a servant, but not just any, he was a servant working for Zuko.


Zuko and Iroh were waiting for both their food and their friend, (y/n). She told them that she was helping the chef with the food today. There was a lot of silence between the two, then again it was like that for two years. It was only broken when (y/n) and the chef walked in with plates in their hands. "Ooh, smells amazing (y/n)." Iroh chirped as soon as the food was laid on the table. "Thank you, Iroh. Eichi made our meal, while I made the bread and dessert." Zuko gave a confused look 'Who's Eichi?' He thought then realised that he was the chef.

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