Planning the escape

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"You know what kind of plan fails?
No plan. No plan at all. You know why?
Because life cannot be planned."

- Parasite


(Y/N)'s POV
I slept by one of the earthbenders, Lia, with Miku used as a pillow. I felt comfort, until I heard movement on the metal courtyard. Miku heard it too and started to get up, I opened one eye and saw Katara moving to the fence of the prison, it has to be Aang and Sokka getting her out of here. I waited a moment before I got up, with Miku shrinking to be wrapped around my wrist, and moved quietly to the three, and I already heard Sokka's voice."What do you mean you're not leaving?"

"We can't abandon these people! There has to be a way to help them. Besides, I think that (y/n) would want that too." Katara argued. Aang agreed, but Sokka called them both crazy. It became slightly quieter now, I couldn't figure out what they were saying. But I did hear footsteps approach. I have to hide. Where? I glanced around, trying to find a hiding place. "Miku, if you see Appa, I want you to follow him, okay?" I whispered to Miku, watching her fly quickly to find the bison. Now, to hide.

"(Y/N)?" Dammit, I got found.


Third person POV

ppa soars overhead to fly away and hide, Miku hidden in the saddle. A guard spots the bison in the night sky, but luckily didn't see the dragon on board. "Look!" he told the guard he was patrolling with. "We better tell the warden." The captain ordered.

The two guards, who witnessed the bison take to the skies, approach the warden on a catwalk. "Tell me exactly what you saw." The warden commanded plainly. "Well, sir, it looked like a flying bison." The captain stated. The warden was surprised by this. "It was a giant flying buffalo, sir. With an empty saddle." the guard added.

"Well, which was it? A buffalo or a bison?" The warden questioned, getting slightly annoyed. The captain glanced to the guard, then back to the warden while answering, "Uh, I'm not sure what the difference is, but that's not really the point, is it, sir?"

"I'll decide what the point is, fool!" The warden shouted furiously. He throws the first guard overboard. The man screams in horror before finally being silenced by a splash below. He then turns to the second guard as he straightens up, "You! Wake up the captain. Search the entire rig!" he was about to walk away until the guard spoke up. "Uh, sir."

"What?" the now annoyed warden asked. "That was ... the captain you just threw overboard, so ..." the guard spoke somewhat timidly. "Then wake up someone I haven't thrown overboard and search the rig! There's something going on here and I don't like it." The warden commanded, getting more annoyed.


(Y/N)'s POV
Dawn approached the sky as we tried to create an escape plan for all the earthbenders, "We don't have much time. What are we gonna do?" Sokka said to us as we huddled behind a crate. "I wish I knew how to make a hurricane!" Aang whined, everyone looked at him while I was more focused on what to do.

I blocked out what everyone else was saying, until I spotted the smoke. I gasped, grabbing everyone's attention. I tapped the side of my nose twice, signaling to Aang that I have a plan, "What's that supposed to mean?" Sokka asked dully. "It's (y/n)'s way of saying she has a plan. So what is the plan, sis?"

I pointed to the smokestacks, "The smoke is made of fire and coal. And coal is mined from the ground. And the ground is earth." I spoke it down in chunks, making sure everyone got it. "And the earthbenders have something to bend. (Y/N)! You genius!" Sokka exclaimed, which I replied by bowing like I made a performance.

Before I knew it, I was wrapped up in a hug by Katara, with a surprise kiss on the cheek. I looked at Aang, he looked like he was about to kill me. But I told him that I don't like her like that with my eyes, which thankfully for me, he believed me. Of course he would believe me, I wouldn't lie to him. Besides, Katara is a good friend of mine and that's all we would ever be.

Sorry that it's short. I'll make it up to you guys.

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