Part 2 Celebration

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(Ira's pov) 

I was currently reading a book in my room. I was able to escape Hitori and Kushina earlier saying i wanted to get ready by myself. I actually didn't really want to go now. I didn't feel like going and thought it was stupid. 

It's stupid to throw some kind of celebration for a threat that might be coming again, it's stupid for congratulating us on something that was simple, the right thing to do. I mean if it was for the soldiers from the Last Great Shinobi War then of course i'd go but this was different.

i sighed in exasperation. Merriment and joy was overflowing from just outside my window. People dressed in kimonos and yukatas to properly celebrate while paper lanterns lit up stands that displayed games and treats. 

Walking over, I shut my window tight and let out another sigh. There was then a knock on my door and before i could answer it the person walked in uninvited. It was Hitori in her kimono already. She wore a baby blue kimono that faded into white and had snowflakes on it.

"Why are you in my room?" i asked with a glare.

She scoffed with an accusing finger pointed at me. "Why aren't you in your kimono!" She yelled as she flipped her hair that was in a loose ponytail while her bangs were combed to the side. I walked over to my bed, obscuring my face with my book.  

"I'm not going." I replied blankly. Right when i said that, my book was taken from my hand and somehow Hitori had made her way to my side.

'How did she get here so fast?' i thought irritated. "What the hell do you mean you're not going?!" She yelled with anger. I seethed with my ears covered. "Shut up you're so noisy."  

"Answer me!" she shouted. 

I gave her an irritated look as i dropped my hands. "It's my business." I placed my expectant hand out to her. "My book." 

She got a irk mark. "What's up with you! You really irritate me! You're so bipolar. One day you're nice and cool then the next you're so cold! What the hell is in this book anyways?!" She said as she zoomed through the books pages. 

Annoyed, I used my sand to hold her in the air upside down. She yelped in shock, successfully dropping the book into my hand. 

"P-Pervert! Put me down! I don't swing that way!" she yelled with a fiery color on her face. I merely scoffed before dropping her gently on her butt. "Don't get full of yourself, i'd rather date a toad before i date you." i said annoyed, walking past her to place my book on the shelf.

"Why won't you come?! Everyone else is going!" She argued immediately once on her feet. i turned to her to see her with her arms crossed. 

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