Rip me to shreds

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(Ira's pov) 

The next morning, I was up before dawn. I usually woke up this time and ran off to the walls of the village. The men who knew I came up here often would leave their patrol spots to give me some time to myself. The sky was still dark and the cold chills of the desert was beginning to warm up. I had my hands to my side and my eyes closed as I took in a deep breath of fresh air. 

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I questioned without looking at my idiot brother. "So you knew I was here the whole time...." He said nervously from behind me. "You're as loud as a boar," I stated emotionlessly. 

I heard him huff slightly. "Geez give me some credit. I got here without the guards noticing." 

"I told the guards to let you through when I came up here." I corrected before turning to my brother who had a slight frown. We both remained silent as we stared into each other's eyes. "What is it you want Haruki?" I asked again. 

"What the hell was that last night? You had us all worried." He asked concerned. "It's nothing. I've got it under control now." I replied. "Ira.-"

"That's the end of this conversation, Haruki," I stated over him making him flinch back slightly before taking a stand. "Obviously not. What's going on Ira? C'mon I'm your brother! We used to tell each other everything!" 

"Times have changed Haruki. Your only concern should be controlling Aria and learning how to keep your emotions in check." 

"Emotions in check? What's that supposed to mean?" He asked a bit offended. 

"You're a wreck Haruki. The Council sees you as a threat to the people's safety. If your dream is to be Kazekage then start getting your act together. Stop trying to take the weight of others when you can barely hold your own." 

With each word, his eyes seem to hold more pain than the last. 'Ira that's enough!' Aria advised me. 

"Do you see me as a threat?" Haruki asked slowly. "Is that why you always avoid me? Am I a monster?" 

I sighed before turning around. "I never said that Haruki, but just because I don't view you like that doesn't mean that others think the same. This isn't a time to be acting immature Haruki. You need to learn how to grow up in order to become-"

"Like you?" He almost said spitefully but his pained voice betrayed him. "To be someone who avoids her family and overworks herself with missions? Who tosses aside her friends?" 

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