Master - Student

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(3rd pov) 

While the kids played in the water of the salty ocean, Shira watched from behind the scenes. She sat in a tree with a smile as she listened to their screams of joy and laughter. 

"You know," her smile faltered as she turned her head to see Sasuke leaning against a tree with his arms crossed," if you want to watch over them you don't have to be hiding in a tree to do it." She slightly scowled before turning back to the front. 

"Get lost." was her cold response. Sasuke smirked before jumping beside her. He decided to irritate her just by staring at her. Shira's eye slightly twitched in annoyance as she tried ignoring his intense stare. 

It wasn't long before she let out an exaggerated sigh and stood up with a glare towards the Uchiha. 

"I told you I'm not interested! Get lost," she hissed before turning around and jumping away from the Uchiha. When she was at a fair distance she turned around and saw she hadn't been followed. She released a relieved sigh before turning around. 

Her relieved sigh was cut short when turned back to the front. An irk mark appeared when she saw Sasuke hanging upside down in front of her with his arms crossed. 

"Still slow." he taunted. Shira gritted her teeth. "You've sure have gotten annoying over the years." Shira muttered venomously. "What do you want so you can leave me alone?" Sasuke pretended to think and slowly a smirk came on to his lips. 

"Follow me." and with that he disappeared. Shira gasped slightly and looked around. "Over here!" She turned around to see Sasuke behind her a couple of feet away. "What about the kids?" she rhetorically questioned. 

"I already have shadow clones watching." He answered before jumping away. 

Shira clicked her tongue annoyance before following him. Sasuke lured her into an isolated part of the forest where no nearby ninjas would come and the kids wouldn't see them. 

"What is this about Sasuke?" Shira asked exasperated while placing one hand on her hips. Sasuke's playful demeanor now seemed to turn slightly serious. "What is the mission which was given to you by Sanya?" he asked. 

Shira raised an eyebrow at the question. "What is this an interrogation? if it is I've already answered all questions." she countered calmly. 

"That was your interrogation with the other villages but not with Konoha. Now please answer the question." he asked her again. Shira and Sasuke stared at each other for a few moments before she sighed. 

"Protect the children of the Kazekage from future dangers at all costs and eliminate Emiko Uchiha." She said plainly. Sasuke's eyes widen and used his sharigan to see that she was not lying. 

"That's impossible. How can Sanya give you a mission to you about eliminating somebody she had no knowledge of even existing?" 

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