The power of their Legacy

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(Ira's pov) 

I wasn't having a hard time fighting these things off, thanks to Aria being a second set of eyes for me. Last time i checked, everyone was doing fine. 

"Sand style: Hunter's ground." I muttered. A certain percentage of the ground turned into sand under my enemies. They looked at it curiously, but then stupidly tried to attack me. Before they could get close to me a huge sand creature came out of no where and ate them, then disappeared back into the sand.

The sand was like a portal to a creature.

 It looked like a worm but inside its mouth was a thousand teeth and double that amount. It looked like it had 2 heads, but it's mouth just split in half to eat better. It was my rare summoning i had found known as a Sandokurīchā or Sand Creature.

 It eats everything that is upon the sand i placed on the floor or what i will it to eat.

The curse marked people tried to escape, but they didn't succeed as my creature made a screeching sound and dived from un-known parts and ate them taking them under the sand that acted as its pool.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Tori yelled fighting off her people with lava style. I made a high pitched whistle. Hantã or my summoning came out of the sand showing off its long body.

The part of the building we were fighting in was worth about 3 fields so Hantã was able to fit. {The same place they originally had their meeting}.

"My summoning." i responded bored as we went after other creatures. I saw Haruki use his special jutsu. Instead of doing signs he did motions, almost like bending. It was sand bending a sacred art that has been long forgotten.

While Hantã was killing, I looked around to make sure everyone was okay.

"We'll show you the power of the lightning twins." Rai said as him and Shin smirked. They did hand signs simultaneously. They soon were surrounded with electricity and in a flash they were killing people with one touch due to the high amount of electricity they were using.

"Tch show offs!" Tori yelled. She did hand signs at lightning speed.

 "Lava style: Burning Dragon!" she yelled as she did motions for a fire ball, but instead came a fire made dragon as it incinerated all of its enemies.

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