Beach day

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(Ira's pov)

The next day we received terrible news. We were suggested to leave the building while the Kages had a mission and discussed what was going to happen. We all sat on the sand near a beach, far away from our families. 

We were all scatter around near each other on the sand while Haruki paced around.

"I...can't believe it..." Daito muttered sadly as he drew circles in the sand. 

"After everything...."Minato added on gloomily while holding a sniffling Kushina in his arms. 

Haruki let out a loud frustrated sight as he whipped around to face us. "This can't be happening! It just CAN'T!" He yelled. "Well it is and it will," I snapped emotionlessly. He became quiet and a bit shocked as he faced me. 

"She's right." Tori spoke up as she leaned on her arms that were behind her to support her,"No matter what we say, we can't change it. We all knew this was going to happen anyways." 

With that Haruki let out a sad sigh before sitting down in front of us. "We will miss you all."Rai said sincerely. "Yea even if everything we've been through has been a hassle....we've never had friends like you guys..." Shin said trying not to sound sad as he ended up with a smile to hide it. 

"It's not like we're not going to see each other again. I mean c'mon. We still have the Chunnin Exams!" Tori said actually trying to be the one to boost up our mood, which was uncharacteristic of her.

"You idiot. They already moved us up to Chunnin because of the fight with that crazy git Emiko! Remember..." Shin said nonchalantly with a yawn. Tori got an irk mark as she angrily threw a shell at him. "Who the hell are you calling idiot you lazy ass!" She screeched. 

Soon the two got in a fight and we all sat together to watch. "Those two just won't quit will they... "Daito stated with a smile on his lips. 

"Well they wouldn't be them if they did." Minato sighed. Tori had Shin in a headlock as they both yelled at each other. I watched them and slowly smile. 

'It will be indeed sad to see us part....' I thought. 

'It's going to be a lot harder with our mate not around. You two have already strengthened the bond' Aria said sadly. 

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