Connection at sight

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(Shin's pov) 

Everyone decided to go back to their room. Everyone but me, went downstairs to go eat something. I was sitting on a chair drawing as Ira slept. It was 7:15 p.m. right now. I was sketching what Ira looked like in her tailed beast cloak form.

There was then a small knock on the door. I closed my book to see Samui. Uncle Omi and Aunty Kurai's teammate. She smiled at me as she came in and sat down on a chair next to me. She handed me a plate of food.

"I was worried that you didn't eat." she said in a soft voice. I smiled and took it as I placed it on  a table. "Thanks." I said. 

"So this is the girl you told me in letter that you have a crush on?" she smirked. I blushed, but didn't say anything. Her smirk widen. "She's beautiful..." she complimented. I looked at Ira's sleeping face and blushed harder.

 "She is...isn't she..." I smiled softly. My heart pumping hard that I thought you could hear it. She messed up my white hair.

"I'm happy you found somebody to love. " she said sincerely. I smiled. "Yea not like that any girls from here would date me anyways.." I muttered. It's true. For some reason me,Rai and Samui have lighter toned skin compared to the other people.

Even our parents. They all have dark toned skin.

"Hey you're a good looking guy. And we're both light colored. I'm doing just fine. It doesn't matter what you look like it matters how you present yourself." she said with a smile. I smiled back. "Thank's Samui."

She smiled as she stood up and messed up my hair again.  "Anything for you brat. You better take care of her. You won't find another one like her. From what I heard she almost beat Master Bee" she said as she walked out. 

"Night brat." she said one more time. "Night Samui." i called. She waved and gently closed the door. And just in a few minutes Ira groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She slowly tried to sit up. 

"Hey be careful." I said as I put my book to the side and helped her sat up. She seemed tense at my touch. "S-Shin..what are you doing here? "Her shocked face going into her usual un-emotional one. I lightly chuckled.

 "I wanted to make sure you were ok." i resounded, sitting on the side of the bed.

"What happened?" she asked messaging her temples. 

"You passed out after your fight with uncle Bee." I explained. She slowly nodded. I handed her a glass of water. "Here drink." I said handing her the water. She thanked me and gulped it all down quickly.

"Where is everyone else? " She asked looking around while placing the glass to the side. "Eating." i said. "Aren't you hungry?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "My friend brought up some food for me." i said as I grabbed the plate.

"You want some?" i asked her. She had a small blush. "S-Sure..." she muttered. I grabbed a sushi with the chop sticks and put it in front of mouth. "I can do it myself." she said stubbornly. I smirked. 

"Your body is exhausted I'm sure you wouldn't be able to move them without them shaking. Just open your mouth." I told her. She looked hesitant. She looked away and slowly opened her mouth. i put it in and she slowly ate.

I laughed "See it's isn't all that bad." i said getting another piece of her then repeating the process all over again.

I took some to eat,but I made sure she got the most. When the plate was done i put it aside. There was a grain of rice on the side of her mouth. I brought the napkin towards her and she sort of flinched. "You have something on your face." I told her.

She slowly relaxed. I wiped it off. As i finished i hadn't realized I moved closer to her. I looked into her eyes and she was staring into mine. I felt a pull towards her. She was looking straight into my eyes.

My hand brushed her cheek, she didn't flinch this time. I got closer to her, so close that I thought she could hear my beating heart. "What is it about you that makes me feel like I've known you forever?" i asked her.

She blushed hard.

 "I-I don't know..." she muttered. 'Take her you idiot....she's our mate..take her!' A voice said in my head. Me and Rai have always heard it but never knew what it was. I moved closer, but stopped when she put her hand on my chest.

"I'm sorry..." she muttered. i moved back and shook my head. Feeling some sadness. "It's alright I understand. We're still strangers." I said shrugging. She nodded not looking at me. I smiled softly. 

"Don't worry about it....." i assured as i went back over to my seat. We stayed silent till everyone started coming in. Kushina was snuggling with Ira, Haruki and Minato were squishing her to death, Daito was telling her she did amazing today while Tori playfully bickered with her. 

Rai came over and looked at me with a weird look. I gave him and equally weirded out look. "What?" i asked him. "What's with the blush on your face?" he asked knowingly. I felt my cheeks to feel it was hot. iIsighed. 

"Bro.....i think i found my mate..." i muttered using the same words the voice in my head was saying. 


Pic on the side is Samui

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