Opening up Tori

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(3rd pov) 

All the Kages had returned to their families and were smothering their kids in hugs and kisses, relieved no one was harmed. When all the kids fell asleep the Kages got together to talk about the plans while their guards watched the surrounding area.

Tori heard some voices. She groaned as she got up and looked around. The kids had a sleepover in one room. Her, Ira and Kushina were given the bed. The twins were on a put together made couch made from chairs. Haruki, Daito and Minato slept on the floor.

Tori quietly went out of the bed to the door as she followed the voices. "Who is up right now?' She groaned in her head.  She walked up to a door that was slightly opened to see all the Kages sitting around a table. 

"How long would they be gone?" Her father asked with a sad face.

 'Why is daddy sad?' She thought. "Until this whole thing is settled. It'll be quick. So your good bye must be done by tomorrow morning." Raikage spoke.

'Wait! good-byes? Who are we saying good bye to!!' She thought worried. "Isn't there another way!" Miku asked with tears threatening to spill. "If there was, we would've taken it." Tsuchikage said remorsefully. Naruto stood up, catching everyone's attention. He had a sad but stern face.

"As the Kages we should be doing this without a second thought, but as their parents we must think about the best for each of our children. To avoid danger they will be sent far away until we are prepared for the possibility of a upcoming attack." He said with a dead voice. 

All of the kages looked away. "Anyone who is against the decision after knowing the given information please stand...' He said. No one stood. Tori had tears at the brim of her eyes and she ran away.

She sat outside in front of the hotel. Her chakara warming her. "What are you doing out here?" Came a voice. She looked to see Haruki. She almost blushed. Her vulnerable side coming out. Haruki was wearing no shirt,only  black track pants and a black jacket. 

His forming six packs showing. 

She quickly looked down. "I couldn't sleep.." she murmured. She heard him sit next to her. "Me too..." he said. "Why are you out here?" She asked him looking at him. "Are you stalking me?" she said trying to cheer her self up by flirting.

"Why do you keep doing that?" he frowned at her. Her eyes got wide. "W-What?" she questioned. "That whole flirting know it doesn't work right? It's actually quite annoying." he said honestly.

She felt shock,usually boys would fall under her spell but he looked displeased. She looked away. "Hn, it only works on real man, not boys." She muttered. She heard a chuckle. " Well your stare just a few minutes ago said otherwise." he teased.

She blushed hard. "Wh-what's wrong with you? I thought you were an idiot." she said with a high voice but it tried to stay calm.

"I don't know...i guess I'm just not hyper. i have my moments." he shrugged as he stared out into the dark snowy night. "I thought you hated me." she whispered.

Haruki sighed as he grabbed her chin gently to look at him. She could feel her heartbeat pick up.  "I don't hate you. i just wish you'd stop acting and be you." he said serious. Her face was now a tomato. 

He smiled at her and gently let her chin go. "Today when we were all hanging out....the real you that laughed and smiled is the person i want to meet. Not the girl who tries to put up a fake front." he said staring back at the sky.

"So what's really bothering you?" he asked. She looked at him with shocked eyes, thinking he had bought her earlier lie. She looked down at her hands.

"They said...they said they're going to ship us away so we can be safe....i-i guess..........i'm just scared." She admitted. This was the first real time she was actually opening up. She felt a pat on her head. She turned to see Haruki with a happy smile that made her heart skip a beat.

"It'll be you trust me?" He asked. Unconsciously she nodded. He gave a soft smile. "Then trust your friends and know that it'll all work out." he said.

Her heart was beating 3,000 miles an hours. She didn't say anything. He just kept smiling then got up. He took off his jacket. She looked away, looking at the snow. The jacket was gently put on her head. "Put that on before you get sick." He said.

"Night Tori." he called as he walked into the hotel again.

She was still, but slowly brought the jacket close. It smelt like him. Like oak wood probably from the floor and a scent she couldn't quite describe.

'He smells good.'  she thought. She then stopped with wide eyes as she re-thought what she just said in her head. 

'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME!' She yelled in her thoughts. She touched her face to feel it burning.

She touched her chest to feel that her heart was about to explode. 'No....No way! I am not falling in love for that cherry headed losers! I only play with little boys, but go for real men!' She recited in her head, but then flashes of his smile and how close they were made her burn up.

She took a large gulp. 'I don't hate you. i just wish you'd stop acting and be you...' His speech repeated in her head. She thought about those repeating words and it made her feel happy that somebody liked her, for her. 

She had put on such a bitchy sort of act because it seemed to attract men to her mother and then it attracted attention to her, but she was never fond of it.

She was actually shy, defensive, funny, and a normal teen. She sighed as she sat up holding the jacket close. 'I'm just thinking like this because I need to sleep.' She said in her head trying to reason out with her feelings.

She walked back into her room where everyone was at and tried to sleep. But that was proven difficult since Haruki was asleep on the floor only a few feet away from her. 


The side pic is Tori! :)

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