Age since then

833 34 3

~Several years later// Age 18~

(3rd pov)

Almost nothing had changed in Suna. The blazing hot sun that heated the golden sand still left its stinging mark on the citizens' skin. The dry winds that danced through the dusty roads hadn't stopped, even after so many years.

The only thing that changed was two familiar red haired siblings. 

Speaking of red head siblings, one of them sat on the Kazekage building as he usually did with a bright smile on his face. One of his legs swung on the edge of the building while the other was brought towards his chest. 

His short red hair and his gleaming eyes stayed the same. His childish excitement hadn't changed either. His relaxation was broken when a Sand nin appeared behind him while kneeling on one knee. 

"Haruki-sama, I've come to report to you that Lady Ira has returned as you requested." 

Said boy turned to his comrade with a wide smile. "Thanks Kuroi!" he chirped happily. The male ninja nodded before disappearing. Haruki stood up with his hands in his pockets. A wide smile sprawled itself across his face, his eyes turned to the clearing sky.

The dry wind blew towards him, making his hair fly up.

At the village entrance stood a company of 5 ninja. Each one of them wore masks of different animals. Their leader took her mask off first before the others followed. A now fully grown Ira stood before her team with a blank expression.

"Good job everyone. The mission is a secured success." She said in her normal emotionless voice. Her underlings all bowed their heads in respect while saying a 'Thank you Ira-sama.' 

"Dismissed." the second the word left her lips they gave her a final nod before jumping away. Ira sighed as she brushed her hand through her hair in exhaustion. "Ira-senpai!" Ira turned to see a group of gennin standing there.

There were two boys and a single girl in the team.

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