Asking from the Dead

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~Somewhere in a cave off the east coast of the Grass Village~ 

(3rd pov) 

A female figure that wore a cloak walked into a dark cave. She held a torch that lit her path.  She slowly inched into its depths, until she made it to a room that was just a huge space within the cave. She lit a few of the surrounding torches till she was able to see the room.

There were different seals everywhere, but also a coffin was placed in the middle of the room leaning on a rock behind it. It stood with a sealing jutsu on it.

She bent down and took out a scroll and unrolled it.

She stood up and did several handseals. "Release!" She muttered softly. The seal on the coffin disappeared, she then did another set of signs. "Reanimation jutsu!" The seals seeped into the bottom of the coffin.  The door fell open to reveal the one and only...Kabuto Yakushi.

He was still in his snake form with a robe. His eyes slowly opened. 

"Well isn't this interesting. Being re-summoned." He said looking at his hands. He looked up at the slim figure in front of him. "Who are you?" he asked curious as he pushed up his glasses and stepped out of his coffin.

She slowly showed off her slim fingers that were painted a dark green. Slowly she put down her hood. Her amber blazing eyes staring into kabuto's snake ones. 

He let out a short chuckle. "And by the most unexpected person....Shira, the follower of Sanya of the Sand." he smirked. Her face was dead serious.

"I'm not here to talk long kabuto. I have some questions." she said emotionlessly. He smirked and put on a fake hurt expression. "Not even a hello? It isn't a good feeling when your life is forcefully pushed back into you know.." He joked.

Shira didn't even release a smile. He sighed. "I liked it better when you were more emotional." He muttered. "Times have changed, but as I said, I'm only here to ask you questions." she said.

"Then ask's not like I can lie to you anyways." He said with a teasing smile. "During the war...Obito and Madara were disposed of....but there is a threat that has shown itself. It's a person who hasn't been seen before. Who is she?" She asked.

"A little more information please. "He said as the light shone on his glasses.

 "Like I said she has never been seen, but apparently she's after the Kages and their families. She's crazy from what I can tell from her personality...but she also uses shadow bending..." she said as her eyes narrowed.

"Shadow bending...." he said almost remembering the sound. "You've heard of it?" she asked curious. "I've read a few books of it. But it's almost impossible to be able to harvest such power." 

"Why?" she asked. "Its power can only be contained in certain individuals. It's almost like being able to contain 2 tailed beasts. It's almost impossible. The amount of that much power could kill a person." he said fixing his glasses.

"So who do you know who would be able to harvest such powers? Did Obito have any back up plan?" She asked.

He stayed silent.

 "I never thought he'd use it...but iIguess he did it at last minute since he saw his down fall." Kabuto said almost in a sad yet fearful voice. "In short terms, if my hypothesis is are all screwed." he said.

"Why." she asked angered. 

"During the operation of taking down the Kages at the Summit, Zetsu had found a tomb in the walls of the hideout. It turns out that Madara had originally been staying in there when he was feeding off of the power from the Gedo Statue.

He had a sister who had died alongside his brother Izuna during the war. Apparently she was a shadow bender. Obito sought to use her for a back up plan. 

Her name was Emiko Uchiha. First female holder of the sharigan and first princess to be a shadow bender. She died at age 14 when she tried to save Madara from battle. She was also known as the mad princess.

As you know from great love the sharigan could evolve, but it'll most likely serve brain damage. Her shadows also does the same thing, which is the reason for her being mad. I guess when Obito was on the verge of death he must've summoned her." he explained.

"But why is she after all the other kages? She was reanimated after Madara was killed, right? So how would she know who killed him?" She asked.

"Perhaps she doesn't know. Maybe she isn't after vengeance for Madara but Obito. 

Before she was reanimated he would talk to her like she was alive. Maybe she had heard him and grew feelings for him. And it would also explain why I could felt a dark chakara emitting off f her coffin and it only surrounded Obito.." he said as he put a hand on his chin.

"Shit.." Shira swore, knowing that this wasn't good. "Can she be sealed like any other reanimation?" she asked. 

"Of course, but I could imagine it'll take the tailed beasts to do that...but as you know there are only 3 tailed beasts in existence. 8 tails, 9 tails, and the one tails other half...." Kabuto said looking at her.

Shira bit her thumb nail. "What will you do?" He asked amused. She glared at him. "Tch, my job. Sanya-sama entrusted me to protect them." she sneered. "But doing that would mean you will have to make sure they don't get near her..." he said.

"I'll figure it out." she spat as she put her hood up. "By the way how's Sasuke?" he asked wanting to piss her off in his last moments. She did the complex handseals, not answering him. 

"He loved you a lot didn't he? Do you ever visit him?" He asked. She stopped at the last seal and glared at him from under her hood.

"How is it that even in your last breaths you still continue to freak and piss me off." she sneered. he laughed. "It's a gift." he said. "But beware Shira. Emiko isn't stable mentally or physically. Her power could get out of control at almost any minute." He said seriously.

"Good bye Kabuto." she said doing the last sign.


Pic of Shira on the side.

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