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(Ira's pov) 

It was already nearly dark when I returned to Uncle Naruto's home. I could hear laughter from within the apartment. I stood hesitantly in front of the door. Every time my hand moved closer to the knob, one of those idiots would release a loud chorus of laughter. 

'Just go in.' Aria urge, a bit annoyed by my delay. I pondered about it for a few seconds before sighing. My hand latched itself onto the knob. Unfortunately, it was pulled away at that moment by a pouting Kushina.

"Big sister where were you?!" She shouted, gaining the attention of everyone in the apartment. I could feel the gawking gazes of those who peeked their heads out from the dining area. 

I gently messed up the hair of the teary eyed girl. "Sorry, I had something I needed to do." I lied. I walked in fully and looked up at the now fully standing people who were once kids like me. Haruki smiled idiotically behind all of them. 

"Ira! Been a long time!!!" A male who no doubt was Daito shouted with a wide smile. 'He was always the one to not notice the awkward silences.' 

Kushina and I walked closer to them, though I lingered behind. "Ah," I responded once I stood in front of them. I greeted them with a slight bow. "Been a long time." 

"What's with the bow thing?" Minato asked again. "I told you," Haruki whispered/yelled exaggeratedly,"she just does it on instinct."  I sent the two a slight glare causing them to shut up instantly. 

Hitori pushed through the males and leaned near me with her thumb pointed at her. "Hn! You better not have forgotten me. I'm all grown now and way stronger so you best remember me!" 

'More self-centered?' I asked myself rhetorically. Mentally I sighed. "I remember you well Hitori," I answered blandly. Her bright smile seemed to falter when she realized I wasn't going to make a retort. 

"Ira." All of us looked at Aunt Hinata who smiled welcomingly at me. "Welcome back. Your father and Naruto are still out with the other Kages. Why don't you get changed and come down for some dinner?" 

"Mommy made curry!" Kushina cheered happily. 

"No thanks," I rejected respectfully," I'll be retiring for tonight." I pushed past the group and swiftly made it to the safety of my room. Once I allowed silence to envelop me, I exhaled loudly. 'It's so suffocating to be with them.'

(Haruki's pov) 

Me and the Uzumaki children walked the others out and headed to their hotel with them. I lingered behind with Hitori. We mainly discussed how our life had changed. There wasn't much to say since we updated each other regularly in our letters. 

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