COTC Charaters as vines Part 5

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(Teen)Tony:*Runs into Boris's car* Follow that car!
(Teen)Boris:Is he gonna follow me back?
(Teen)Tony:uh...No? I don't think so...
(Teen)Boris:Then NO!!!!
(Teen) Tony:.....

(Adult)Boris:Hey do you have any shaving cream?
(Adult)Jp:No,I don't like how it tastes
(Adult)Boris:...You eat shaving cream?
(Adult)Jp:No why would I eat it if I don't like the taste?

Bernard:Don't eat that candy
Craig:Why cause it will rot your teeth?
Bernard:No,because I want it *Eats the candy*

Eliza:*Pissed*Fine then,if I can't have my shoes then Kelsey can't have her mom!
Also Eliza:*Takes off her boot and throws it at the vase with Kelsey's mom's ashes*
The whole creek:....

Kit:This ones to end racism! *Shoots basketball into basket,but misses* :(

Duane:You better buckle down and do this work or else you'll end up in McDonald's!
Craig:We're going to McDonald's if I don't do my work?!

Craig:Hey guys,hit that like button if you think being haunted is...Kinda hot

(Teen)Bobby:*Singing*You love me!-
(Teen)Big Red:Dude are you five?!
(Teen)Bobby:Yeah! Five inches deep in your mom!

Jojo:Am I old?
(Younger)Jessica:Yeah.And fat too

Craig:Got diagnosed with cool guys syndrome yesterday,haha! Now I take adderall!

Eliza:Mmm...That's interesting,but what is also interesting is that I don't give a shit :)

Jane:Hey,George what are you doing?
George:Just figuring out how to talk to satan

(Past)Xavier:Hey guys,Happy Uh,Omar sucks Thursday
(Past)Omar:What's Omar sucks Thursday?
(Past)Xavier:Why would we ever tell you,Omar?

(K-12)Maya:Alright,let's tell each other a secret about ourselves.
(K-12)Jason:I'm gonna go first,I hate you :)

Jason:*Plays a few songs by Melanie Martinez for Tony and Boris*
Tony:....Okay....Okay,well the language is a bit strong but it has a nice toon...

Bernard:Stop saying that I look like chicken little! He's dumb and he's a coward! And I am not a coward!

Kelsey:Those are cute jeans
Craig:You're cute jeans
Kelsey:those are mine?!
Kelsey:Oh,I thought you said, 'your cute jeans'
Craig:I did
Kelsey:Those are my jeans?
Kelsey:Then why-
Craig:You are cute jeans!
Craig:Alright,I'm going home

Jason:Schools starting soon,so you know what that means :) *Takes a folded towel and screams in it at the top of his lungs*

Boris:Onion :) *Takes a bite out of it*.......Tastes like water...

Eliza:*On a loudspeaker* *pissed*Where is this bitch?! Where is she?! I'm talking to you if you out there and you hear me.Girl,I'm waiting for you!

Sewer Queen:*Opens up her jacket,revealing some knifes*Want some blades?
Jason:No,blades are for skating! *Puts on some rollerblades*,ya dingus.
Also Jason:*Tries to roll away*Kinda snowy....

Craig and Jason:*Being interviewed*
Craig:I got scared!
Jason:....I dropped my hot pocket

Sewer Queen:People say I can't do what I love without college...
Also The Sewer Queen:I don't need no degree to be a clothing hanger!

Jason:Sounds like something she said
Omar:*Lets out a weird ass laugh*
Jason:*Blushes and gets nervous*I like that laugh...*Nervously laughs*
(If you are confused,please read The Headless Forest Scout to understand)

Barry:Baby changing station?
Also Barry:*Puts hand over the C in changing*Baby hanging station
The other elders:*Claps*

Mark:Don't fuck with me! I have the power of god and anime on my side! AAAAAAAAA

(Teen)Tony:What the hell,are you doing?!
(Teen)Kelsey:I am doing my eyebrows!
(Teen)Tony:That's a big ass mirror!
(Teen)Kelsey:I have big ass eyebrows!

Mark:You know what,I'm about to say it okay,I don't care that you broke your elbow >:(

Barry:It's summer! I got my hat on backwards and it's time to fucking party! *Hits his head on top of door*

Jason:*Kicking the air cause he's mad*
Craig:*Trying not to laugh*Jason,stop! You're going to get us in trouble!
Kelsey:*Trying not to laugh*Jason,stop!!!

Sewer Queen:*Coughs*
Jason:*Singing*Coughing! Coughing! You're be in a coffin,*Gets out knife*if you keep on coughing!
Sewer Queen:Whoa Whoa! Okay I'll stop!

Bobby:When somebody is being a jerk for no reason,I'm just like... 'What the flip did I do to you? Huh?!'

(Teen)Toman:Where do you wanna eat,Sunshine?
Also (Teen)Eliza:*Looks up to the sun*WHAT YOU FUCKING WITH MY MAN FOR?!

Jason:*Playing the guitar and singing*Hey...How you doing? Well I'm doing just fine,I lied I'm dying inside!

Craig:Hey everybody,today my brother pushed me,so I'm starting a Kickstarter to put him down.The benefits of killing him would be I would get pushed way less....

Craig:My name's Craig,and I literally cannot stop eating choco rolls,please fucking help...

Sorry this was a bit shorter than the other ones I do.I'll try to make the next one a bit more longer.

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