Yandere! Horse girls prefrences

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By the way, sorry but Maney will not be in this due to the fact she's already with Jp so sorry it's only gonna be the three horse girls.


What nicknames she calls you:
•Trusted stallion (If you're a male)
•Princess/Prince charming
•Adorable filly

"Oh (Y/N), don't worry. Those rotten kids won't be mean to you anymore. Maybe I can stomp out a few people for you, after all, no one messes with my adorable filly"

How she views you:She couldn't help but feel amazed when she saw you ride that horse, or at least try to. Sometimes she had to be your shoulder to cry on when you needed it, especially when your best friend had been murdered last night. If only you had found that bloody box cuter that day.


What nicknames she calls you:

•Horse price/princess
•Cutie Pie

"Ya know what this is right? Yeah, my knife. I saw you being a little flirt with (Y/N). Another word said from you this thing's gonna go right through your throat, you got that?"

How she views you:Everything about you was something Melissa loved, your voice was something she never got tired of it was like an Angel singing to her, and seeing you was her favorite part of the day. Guess that's why she recorded you sleeping and would watch them after dinner.


What nicknames she calls you:

•Super star
•Shining sparkle
•pop tart
•My winning prize

"It's like I'm trying to win a prize, everyone keeps trying to get in the way of me getting it, my dear (Y/N). *Sighs* Who said love was an easy job?"

How she views you:Where could she even start, she admired everything about you. Too her, you were a prize she had to work hard for, even if it meant dashing a few knifes across people's hearts and throats.

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