Chapter 30

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(Please play the music now, it will increase the overall mood of this chapter!)

Also, another shoutout to rose-red-petals
for being an amazing reader!🧡

1 week ago

George Weasley sat in his four poster bed contemplating what the rest of his day was going to be like. As he put a warm pair of socks on, Lee Jordan entered with a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Alright Georgey?" He asked, throwing the newspaper in the bin.

"Yes, I'm good," he lied. "What was wrong with that newspaper?"

"Everything," he laughed. "I'm glad I'm leaving at the end of this year. No more Umbridge. Although, I will miss quidditch I tell you."

"There's never anything important in them newspapers anyway," George admitted. "The whole ministry has been infiltrated and brainwashed by their own incompetence."

"Since when do you say words like incompetence and brainwashed?"

"I've been friends with Hallie Blackwell for five years," George laughed.

"I hope you mean friends past tense lol," Lee laughed. "You ruined that one mate."

"And how would you know, mate?"

"Fred told me," he said, fixing his shoelace. "See you around".

Just as he left, Fred entered. He was a porting a large red mark along his hand where he had carried his bag.

"Yanno," George began. "I don't appreciate you telling everyone what happened with Hallie."

"Ah so when you say everyone, I guess you mean Lee Jordan," Fred laughed. "He asked, I didn't just spill the beans on your apparently private relationship with Hallie."

"Why couldn't you have just said it's none of your business to Lee?" George asked frustrated.

"He's our best mate that's why," Fred motioned towards his cupboards. "I wasn't going to be an arsehole to him like you have been to Hals recently."

"God, sorry for actually confronting her about how I feel," he said sarcastically. "Didn't know that was such a crime."

"It's not a crime to tell her how you feel," Fred looked at his brother. "What's a real shame is the fact that she has always put you first and the one time she needs you too, you abandon her."


It had been around two months since Hallie and George's relationship had took a turn for the worst. He had now understood why Fred had called him out for his treatment of Hallie, and luckily, things were back to normal between them. He noticed however that Hallie would never be brought up in their conversations. He had made the decision to cut her out of his life, and he assumed that Fred believed he no longer deserved to understand what was going on in Hallie's life anymore.

George missed her terribly. Of course he did, it was Hallie. The girl who had impacted his life ever so quickly and could bounce back from absolutely anything that was thrown at her.

The thing with heartbreak is that no one ever likes to talk about how disconnected you feel from everyone around you, or the fact that it occurs too abruptly. For about a week, George had a lot of anger towards Hallie but after a lot of thinking, he realised it had not been her he had been angry with, but rather himself. His uncouth emotions towards someone he loved, and every waking day he regretted what he said to her.

Why doesn't he just talk to her? A few people asked. George had failed himself, failed Hallie, failed everyone around him. George no longer deserved to confront his actions and talk to Hallie, he deserved to live his life without her - that was the decision he had made for himself. He dug his grave, and now he needed to lay in it.

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