Chapter 33

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Greece - thousands of years ago

"She should be here by now," Arabella voiced impatiently. "Does she not realise that this is important?"

"The girl will be here soon."

"First of all," Amara said, standing with a bow and arrow in her hand,"I am not a girl, I am a woman."

Arabella took in her appearance. She was wearing a pair of leather brown trousers and a grey sack top.

"Interesting—er—trousers," Arabella stated flamboyantly.

"I killed the boar myself and made trousers out the skins," she stated, smiling. "So you're Zeus, then?"

Zeus nodded. "Welcome to Mount Olympus, Amara"

"Thank you," she said politely. "I've been rather nervous about this I have to admit."

"You have nothing to be nervous about," Zeus stated. "You were chosen for this, remember?"

"I know," she sighed. "What does this test require me to do?"

"Arabella, please attain the other Gods."

She nodded, and left.

"Wait, I'm meeting other Gods?" She asked, shocked. "All of these powerful people out here and I'm just, well, ordinary."

"Do you have any idea who your ancestors are?"

"Somewhat of an idea," she nodded. "I've always wondered where my abilities came from."

"From the product of true love," Zeus smiled. "This test will strengthen your powers."

"Has it always been done like this?" Amara asked.

"So far, yes," he nodded. "However, in the future, it will be harder as destinies change."

"What do you mean?"

"Well," he began. "I suspect our world will become darker. Power is a very strange thing, Amara. Once it gets into the wrong hands, it's lethal. My brother Hades would know all about that."

"So there will be more after me?" Amara asked. "That's if I pass the test."

"Yes," he nodded.

"Amara" Arabella said as she walked in. "This is Poseidon, God of the sea. Your first test will involve water."

"Is this an elements test?" Amara questioned.

"It is indeed."


"What's wrong with her?" Hermione asked Fred as he stared at her glaring at the fire place that had been lit only a little while ago.

"She hasn't told me yet," Fred admitted. "I'm really worried though."

"Do you think she'll be up for her classes today?"

"Dunno," Fred said, shrugging his shoulders. "It's nearly May though, the teachers will surely only be doing revision."

"We've got potions today," Hermione sighed.

"Keep an eye on her, Granger," Fred asked. "If any of them Slytherins give her a hard time, I'll kill them myself."


Hermione walked with Hallie down to potions. She wasn't able to get much conversation out of her as they headed towards the dungeons. Hermione had to admit, she was very worried for what they were going to say to her.

"Hi Hallie and Hermione," Anastasia said to them both. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Hallie lied.

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