First Times

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A/N: warning extreme smut! You have been warned!

After about thirty minutes of him being gone I ran to the bathroom and got dressed into the lingerie but I covered it with my sweatpants and tee shirt, I curled my hair and put it in a ponytail. I put my makeup on but this time I actually tried to look attractive, I threw on some red lipstick and darkened my eyeliner wings and heavy mascara.. I looked good! Real good! My inner self was prancing and dancing. After getting done I sat on the living room couch and waited.. I was trying to focus on the show which I didn't know crap about all the german lingo was frying my brain but I stopped when I heard the door knob jiggle, this is it. My breathing pace picked up and I tried to calm myself as Reesh stepped in the door. I began shaking lightly. "Hey Ivy! Please tell me you haven't sat there the whole time I was gone" I smirked as he took his jacket off and sat it lightly on the chair "no, I didn't.. I just did a little bit of this and that" I noticed my voice was higher than normal.. Crap pull it together Ivy! "You okay?" I nodded, yeah just trying to seduce you ya know? God damn my conscious is a bitch! Ugh. "So what are you watching there?" Umm.. "I'm not sure really but there was two explosions already" I gave a coy smile and he sat down beside me throwing his arm around me "so what did you have to do?" I asked not really caring as he blubbered about something "actually, hold that thought I have to use the bathroom" he moved his arm and I stood up noticing him staring at my behind while sitting up. I made my way into the bathroom doing a quick makeup check.. Yep looks good! I spritz on some expensive perfume and prayed for a miracle. Here I go.

As I walked back out I stopped at the door frame feigning confidence "Reesh?" I asked innocently, drawing his attention from the tv "what?" I smiled "what do girlfriends and boyfriends do?" I asked playing extremely dumb but he just looked around the room obviously confused about the whole situation "I guess they do stuff together" I nod in approval "like what?" I needed to hear him say it and get it on his mind before i pounced "go on dates, and hang out together-" I watched him get flustered and boy was his flustered face hot. "So what do they do when they're alone?" I bit my lip after saying that hoping he didn't get what I was doing or he'd at least play along because I have no plan B "they uhh.. I don't know" I smiled "you dont? Not anything?" He shook his head "what's this about Ivy?" I tilted my head to the side.. "I just want to do something with my boyfriend that no other girls can do since you're mine" oh god.. Where the hell am I getting this shit? "Oh, I guess they uhh.. Make out" we're on the right track "is that it?" He gazed at me and shifted his pants, oh my god! I'm giving him an hard on! Ahh! I'm doing a good job! I mentally patted my back as he tried to say something obviously not knowing how to word it "say it. You know you can say anything to me" he looked up at me obviously wondering why my voice went all velvet and soft on him "they uhh.. Do other things" I put on a confused face "like?" He was freaking out "they have sex" yes! Winner winner! His face still as confused as ever but I just smiled still "oh? So since we're alone and were boyfriend and girlfriend we should have sex then?" His mouth dropped open in shock obviously but he kept silent "I like that idea" I whispered so he could barely hear and I pulled my tee shirt and sweat pants off revealing my lingerie and high heels, while he gasped I let my hair down out of my ponytail I shook my hair so my curled hair flounced down into the sides of my face. He was breathing hard as was I.. Oh boy.

"Ivy I-" I held my hand and finger to my lips "shhh" as I walked over to him and sat on his lap "are you trying to say you don't want this?" I asked seriously "of course I want it but is it what you want?" I smiled and nipped at the side of his neck "I'm so sure" I whispered into his ear "now please, help me out" I said calmly grinding myself back and forth making him constantly give out deep groans. I could feel his excitement pressing against me from inside his pants I knew this was supposed to happen from a health class I was in a while ago. "You're sure?" I smiled and nodded and just like that he let his hands free roam my body from up to my breasts cupping them to sliding them down to my thighs, it was a wonderful feeling. "I've been wanting to do this since I laid eyes on you Ivy" yes, say my name Reesh "aren't you a virgin?" I nodded and he stopped touching me, NO! Please keep going! "I want you to be my first, I love you Richard" I spoke truthfully as I picked his hands up and placed them back on my chest "I love you too, Ivy" mhmm yes! He let go of my breast and unzipped his zipper professionaly, I didn't want to think about how many times he's must've done this. As he unbuttoned his jeans his erection sprang free.. Okay, it's really scary looking but I know what to do! I slid down in between Reesh's legs spreading them further apart while he finally got the gist of what I was about to do "Ivy, do you know what to do?" I nodded and grabbed the soft skin of his erection gently placing it in my mouth, his head burst back and moans flowed out of his mouth I took it as a good sign.

After a while he placed his hands on my shoulders "here come up here" he explained while pulling my underwear down i straddled him still scared that I'd be sitting on top of a huge pointy umm.. Object. I brought my legs onto the couch and began slowly moving myself down onto him. I cried out in pain as I lowered myself further and further feeling every inch of him inside me, and trust me it was a lot! He placed his hands under my behind to push me up and down, I was still wincing from the stinging pain knowing that it was just my body telling me that he was taking my virginity.

After a while of that I began enjoying the sensation of him inside me, it was as if he were tickling me on the inside. I must've been going to slow because after I moaned in response signaling we were good to go hard, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down onto the couch so I was lying and he got on top of me "you're so beautiful Ivy" as much as I wanted to say something I could only moan my responses. He eventually went all commando and took over. I was undeniably enjoying every bit of this.

A/N: sorry for the intense smut.. You know I've read to much Fifty Shades Of Grey when I can write a smut story and then have to tell myself to quit being so descriptive lol. Okay, so umm bye! :)

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