Welcome Douche Noodle

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It had been three days since that talk, and my mother said that she and father had found someone that could speak german and English to tutor me since he was from Germany or something. I just went with it to keep them off my case, I don't care how to speak german..I just want to pass.

Apparently this douche would be arriving today so I sat back and pulled out my iPod I got for my birthday a couple years ago, and went to the 'R' section immediately all Rammstein songs popped up and I settled for Amerika since I loved the lead singers voice speaking English. I knew nothing about that band except they were german.. I had accidentally bought their album on iTunes instead of Katy Perry's but I regret nothing! Because they are amazing! I went and bought the rest of the albums they had out along with a poster and shirt, I knew nothing they were saying except for bits and pieces of English here and there but other than that I had to put my rough knowledge on german onto it.

There was a knock on my door, I didn't bother turning my music down I figured it was the maid "yeah?" I said opening my door. It wasn't the maid it was dad "hey doll, your tutor is here" I nodded "so.. Where are they going to teach me?" He looked at the floor thinking a minute "well, you can take the study room or in here if you leave your door open" I raised an eyebrow "it a guy sweety" I sighed "tell him to come in here" I said going to the piles of clothes I had on my floor and picking them up, still not turning my music down I instead began playing air drums to it and singing..."we're all living in Amerika! Amerika ist wonderbar!" And that's when my dad walked back in followed by mom and a man. "Ivy, this is Richard Kruspe. He's your german teacher" I looked at dad and said "is he like nanny McPhee? When I need him but don't want him he must stay, but when I want him but no longer need him he must go?" He rolled his eyes as the 'Richard' guy laughed...I might like him, he had short black hair kinda muscular. "Well we have more news as well" I dramatically waited for it "he's an ex musician so, all those song you've been wanting to learn on your guitar he can teach you" interesting... "So he's my german music teacher?" Mom nodded "maybe he can tell us the lyrics to that german band you're obsessed with" she said pointing to my Rammstein poster "good, maybe he can tell me too, I heard they're pretty intense".

After our introduction I sat on my bed while he sat on a chair half way across the room, "let me turn this off" I said as I shut my iPod off and unplugged the speakers connected to it. "Okay, I'm ready for knowledge" he laughed "so..maybe we should get to know each other more?" I nodded not really caring as long as I didn't have to learn anything, I waited for him to speak "so..what's your favorite band?" Easy I pointed to my Rammstein poster above my bed "Rammstein" I stated, his eyes got big "have you ever seen them?" I shook my head "nope, I don't even know what they look like..actually I know nothing more than they're amazing and from Germany" his smile kind of faded "so..you know nothing about them" I shook my head again "have you heard of them?" I asked and he nodded "seriously? Oh my god.. What's your favorite song by them?" I blurted out, never have I actually met someone who liked or knew of them " I guess, Engel" I applauded his good taste "mines Du hast..wait no, it's Amerika actually no it's got to be well I can't say the word.." He knew what I was talking about "I know the one you're talking about, that's a great one" he said smiling "wow, I've never met anyone that has the same music taste as me.. We might actually get along" he chuckled "i hope so" and this continued onward for a while until the session was up "okay I'll be back Tomorrow at two thirty" I nodded and he left.

Later my father entered my room "so, what do you think of him?" I smiled lightly "he's okay" was all I said when in reality I liked him. I couldn't ask for a more like minded human, the only difference from us was he was drastically older than me but that's it. I'm thinking I might not mind this tutoring thing.

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