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After we ordered desert I immediately knew there was no connection between us.. I didn't feel that spark you're supposed to feel and I sure as hell wasn't feeling the way I do with Reesh. After a while of staring awkwardly at each other I felt something bump my leg, I dropped the spoon that held my plain vanilla ice cream and moved my leg until something pinned it to the bottom of the seat "Till? What are you doing?" I asked warily of what was going on, I figured it was a joke..I wasn't digging it. "Just having some fun is all, Ivy" I don't understand..that's fun? Whatever, I don't like it. "Oh.." Was all I said letting him continue to pin my legs and rub his foot up and down my leg "Till, I'm not going to lie I don't honestly like that.." He stopped and frowned "oh?" I nodded "well Ivy, you know I could have my pick of any girl on Germany... And I don't take girls out for no reason" that's when it dawned on me..he wants me.. To have.. Eww! No! "Till I can promise you that isn't going to happen!" I wiped my face on my napkin and began standing up "stay!" He shouted in an almost threatening tone, I knew I couldn't back down but I was also terrified of his reaction if I didn't "I think I need to go. This date is over, but don't worry you can have the pick of any girl in Germany! Peace bitch" and like that I got up and walked outside and began walking the way we came, by now I was sobbing.. Is this how all guys are? Douches who just want in my pants? I began looking around and realized I didn't know my way back.. I was lost.

I couldn't understand any of the signs around me and I was being gawked at by passer byers. I reached into my bag and whipped out my cell phone calling the only person who could help me, Reesh. But he didn't answer. I left hundreds of messages but never called back... He must have his phone turned off. I'm screwed.

After finding what looked like a park bench I sat down until my phone began vibrating, I looked Down expecting to see Reesh's name and picture flash across the screen but it was flake "hello?" I tried to stop sobbing "Ivy? Are you okay?" I shook my head knowing he couldn't see me "no, I'm lost." The emotions of not knowing where the hell you are can only be explained by stating these further emotions, fear, shock, terror and anger. "Oh god, where are you at?" I snorted "I don't know, some kind of park?" I heard him sigh and then say something in german "I'm coming to get you. I know where your at" I smiled, that's so nice "ivy?" Oh yeah he's still on the line "yeah, sorry. Thank you Christian." And with that we hung up. I'm so greatfull for that America hating man right now.

After drying my eyes and calming down I noticed flakes Volkswagen pull up and then he got out of the car rushing over to me "Ivy? You Okay?" I nodded but my eyes betrayed me and began gushing tears. I felt ashamed, but mostly humiliated. "I'm sorry Christian" I stilled when I felt weak arms around me and I was pushed into his chest, he was hugging me.. Wow. But all I could think about was how terrified I was "it's okay Ivy, I'll get you back to your hotel" I nodded and he helped me up and also threw an arm around my shoulder holding it tightly supporting my jello legs. As he seated me I watched him "do you know what happened?" I asked clipped "yeah, Till texted me..." My heart sank "was he mad?" I looked down at my hands that sat in my lap twittleling my thumbs "yeah. But don't worry Ivy, he's to blame for this, not you" well thats great "what did he say?" Still not looking at him " I'd rather not repeat-" I held my hand up "please, I know he'll be telling everyone else and I'd like to know" my voice was icy, I was pissed.. And I was seeing fifty shades of red for once. "That you're a tease." I noticed he was watching me from the his peripheral vision and I just engulfed my face into my hands "I'm not! He was rubbing his leg on mine, I told him I didn't like it! And then he to,d me he could have any girl here and Germany so I needed to you know him" new tears spilled over "it's okay, we all know how till is. He gets extremely jealous when he can't have something. I'm just sorry you had to see your role model that way. Especially on your first date-" I gasped "he told you?!" He nodded "oh god! I'm ruined!" I was beyond pissed. "I think I'd better shorten my Germany trip.. I don't want to ever see him again" flake frowned "don't leave because of one asshole, the band still wants to see you again! We all figured this would happen when Till started bragging this morning" bragging? "He bragged?" Flake nodded again "you're a beautiful girl Ivy we all see it, but most of us have self restraint" I giggled a little "ugh, flake seriously if you weren't married I'd totally date you." I laughed as did he "I don't marry Americans, become a citizen of Germany and then we'll talk" we laughed as the sarcasm rolled of both our tongues. Flake wasn't a bad guy, I used to think he was... Now I know not to judge a book by its cover.

As we got to the hotel he parked and turned to me "Ivy, you're a great gal don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Just because this was your first date doesn't mean your 'ruined' that's special and rare. Do you know how many girls it takes to get with someone like you?" I shook my head not really wanting to know how many girls they've all been with..I bet it's a lot. "Tons Ivy, tons. You're a special rarity and you should be cherished not treated like this... But it's happened and there's no changing that.. But I know there's other boys out there for you, I know of one that's willing to kill for you anyways" I cocked my head to the side "who?" He smiled "cherished and naive.. I got to get going but stay for a while okay?" I nodded "brave girl! Good. I'll see you later then?" I nodded flake is actually a really good person "good. Bye Ivy the American" I did a small wave then got out of the car and into the hotel lobby noting the rental car was gone Reesh must still be out. Oh well, now to kill time.

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