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I wanted to leave and run away from this room. But JB's stare kept me frozen in place.

'I don't have to tell the truth. You don't have to tell them it's you.'

JB moved a laptop forward and opened it up. After pressing a few buttons he summoned me over to the desk and I walked over keeping my eyes on him. Just like did to me.

When I got to the desk I leant over and looked at the laptop screen. I immediately felt uncomfortable, JB was clearly enjoying his view of me bent over the desk. My loose dress is not making things easy for me.

I opened up the files labeled CCTV and I watched it. All you could see was the back of my head as I walked away towards the alleyway with yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok. Near the end of the clip, I turned my head slightly and the side of my face can be seen on the grainy footage.

Before the video mds, JB sits forward and pauses the video. "What is this video?" My instinct was to play dumb. It's the only way I'm going to be able to get out of here. "It shows a problem. I need you to find her." JB said.

He nodded towards the screen and I could feel myself becoming hot and flushed. I was right there and they didn't know it. "I'll search her face through the criminal databa-" Before I could finish my sentence, JB slammed his hand down onto the table, his eyes not leaving the side of my head. I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"She isn't on there. She has no criminal record. She barely shows up on any local CCTV and there is no trace of a social media account." His voice is harsh and blunt as his words spit out at me. I mentally praise myself for not making a social media account but it was only because I never had a need for one.

"She is practically a fucking ghost." JB added. I nodded and stood up away from the desk. "There isn't much I can do. You may be able to get a clearer photo of her face if you wait until she shows up again." I said.


I need to leave. Now.


I turned around and made my way towards the door when the silence of the room was disturbed. JB's voice cutting through like a knife. A knife that inevitably was on its way to hurt me.


"What if I don't have to wait until she shows up?"


JB said out of nowhere. I stared back at the door. I could imagine the look on his face. The way he smug eyes would travel over my body taking in my frozen state. I squeeze my bag firmly in my hands to try to calm myself down.


"What if... I have seen her?"


He continued. My breathing becomes irregular and everything seems to become a reality. That I am trapped in a room with a police detective and a gang member. And I am just me.

'The gun...'

I felt the fabric of my small clutch bag with my fingers and I slightly unclasped the bag as JB continued speaking.


"What if... she is in this room?"


I take the gun in my hand and I spin around pointing it directly at him, a serious and threatening expression painted on my face. I stared at him from behind the gun. His eyes were latched onto mine and even though I had the gun, I still felt like he had the power.

All Over You | M.YG (Onhold till may 30)Where stories live. Discover now