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We left the nightclub. The cool air immediately makes me feel calm. I took a look up at the sky letting my thoughts get lost in the stars and the glare of the moon. Jungkook and Namjoon followed me out shortly afterwards avoiding the security guard who watched us leave rolling his eyes.

I caught sight of them walking past me and decided to join them. Namjoon looked up and down the street probably looking for somewhere else to go whereas Jungkook was busy inspecting the phone.

"This phone is weird. It's like an old iPhone. Did you get it from someone in that place you disappeared off too?" Jungkook asked, still inspecting the phone in his hands. I nodded back at him. What was that guy's name again?

"I think his name was Hoseok. The guy that owns the phone." I said not thinking much about it. "What did you say..?" I looked up at Namjoon who was no longer looking around but more like directly at us. "The phone belongs to a guy called Hoseok... why-" Namjoon interrupted me walking over to us holding his hand out as he stared at the phone in Jungkook's hand. "Let me see the back" by that, Jungkook turned the phone over and handed it to Namjoon. We watched his face turn as he inspected the back of the phone.

"Great! That's just great! We're fucked!"

I shared a confused look with Jungkook who also seemed shocked that Namjoon swore. "Namjoon? What's going on? What's wrong with the phone?" I said as Namjoon covered his face with his hands before putting the phone in my hands.

"What is that in the case of the phone?" Namjoon asked as I looked down at the phone. On the back of the case was a red mark. I ran my fingers over it to find that it seemed to be a kind of wax steal. An image of a wing had been pressed into the wax seal.

"A wax seal?" I replied. "That's exactly what it is. Now what's the color?" Namjoon asked again. I frowned at him. Seriously, it's red. He must be looking for a specific color but how am I supposed to know? There are so many names for a red color.

"It's red," Jungkook asked. "It's crimson red. This phone belongs to Jung Hoseok from the crimson gang." Namjoon said as Jungkook's eyes widened slightly at his words but I was lost and confused with what he is saying.

"I thought the crimson gang wasn't real and that it was just something the cops blamed all crime on." Jungkook said. "The police do pin all the unsolved cases on them even though they are real. And by the sound of it, Y/N has met one of them..." Namjoon added.

They both looked at me slowly. I didn't know what to say or to even think for that matter. I had only heard of gangs in movies and stories. "Namjoon? I saw 4 other people with Hoseok. Are they a part of the gang?" I asked, getting scared.

"You mean all 5 were in there and you stole one of their phones?!" I guess that answers my question. All of them were part of this gang. I looked down at the phone I stole and I couldn't help but question Namjoon. He seemed to know a lot about them.

I pointed at the wax seal on the phone which still laid in my hands. "Is this the gang's sign? A wing?" I asked curiously. He shook his head, pressing his lips together. "No. Each member has their own symbol. A wing is hoseok's symbol."

I tilted my head. I must have looked like a child to him. Eager for information. Now he has started telling me, I don't want him to stop. I kind of need to know seen as I did just steal sine if their phone.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you about them and their symbols but not here. We can all go back to my place and I'll go through all of them with both of you." Namjoon said as we walked back to his place. Jungkook smiled brightly and I nodded. Jungkook took another look at the phone pointing carefully at it. "Can I still play with it?" Jungkook asked. "NO!" both Namjoon and I said.
"Okay, you ready?"
First is:

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