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[Yoongi's P.O.V]

[The mall]

'Oh how I wish I would have said no'

We walked through the mall, Y/N looking at the store windows at the clothes. She said that she would go in on her own, but I can't risk something happening to her... because she's my hacker.

I saw a few people taking double takes as they walk past. People know who I am and that is the exact reason I don't go out in public. However it is not the public I have to worry about, it's the police. They have had it in for me ever since I started getting attention in the gang community. But none of this would have happened if they hadn't of tried to put blame on me in the first place.

I still remember the anger I felt when I found out they were blaming me for her death. I was alone. I hadn't met the members at the time and that was dangerous, I couldn't calm myself down. I practically went insane. It didn't help people's view on me and gave the police something else to pin me on. If only it was simple to clear my name and tell people that I didn't do it. I didn't kill Lisa.

I stopped my thoughts as Y/N stopped outside of a shop and I followed her. Thankfully she was quicker than I expected. She picked up the first couple of T-shirts that she found and a pair of jeans taking them to the counter.

Because she hadn't picked up clothes from her apartment, she was now out of clothes I had given her. I looked over at her to see the grey shirt she wore. At first, I didn't think that she would look good in men's clothes but she surprisingly makes my clothes look better than how they would look on me.

The cashier scans the clothes without even bothering to look up. He reads out the price and Y/N fumbles with her purse as she tries to find her card. It is excruciating to watch.

I sigh and take my wallet out from the inside pocket of my suit jacket. Taking out my card and putting it in front of the cashier. His eyes rising to look at me, the shock clear on his face.

His gasp catches Y/N's attention who looks up from her purse seeing my hand with the card, her eyes travel up to my face. "What are you doing? I will pay for my own clothes." She said.

I look back down at her. The card in between my fingers remained outstretched in front of the cashier who still had not picked up his jaw from the floor. "When? I'll be dead by the time you find your card." I said.

I give the cashier a look which scares him more than anything else as he takes the credit card from my fingers and scans it. I look back down and realize that the cashier is also receiving a glare from Y/N. I feel myself wanting to chuckle at her expression.

Once we leave the store, she holds the bags of clothes in her hands. Part of me wants to take them off her but I don't know if I should, from how she reacted over me paying for them, maybe isn't the best time. I walk behind her, I don't bother to push my hair out of my face as it acts as a mask. I look down and people seem to walk by, the odd person looking twice but less people than last time.

I watch her trainers in front of me as she walks through the crowd. That is, until she stops. I react the time before I walk into her back. I glance up and see her staring directly ahead. A tall skinny man was looking at Y/N with a wide smile on his face.

"Y/N! I thought you were working?" he asked Y/N. The skinny man walked over as I kept behind Y/N/. I wasn't hiding but I didn't really want to be seen if I had the choice.

"Hey Namjoon, I took the rest of the week off." she replied. Her voice sounded slightly nervous. Was this the person who hurt her? Or is she nervous because I am behind her?

They talk for a while. How they miss each other and soon Y/N begins to become more comfortable around him. He seems to be okay, but he talks too much and he is too nosey.

Twice now I have noticed him looking over her shoulder at me but I dodge his gaze and look away in time. After a while of me turning in and out of their conversation, the so called 'Namjoon' finally gives into his curiosity.

"Y/N..who's your friend?" Namjoon asked. Y/N stumbles over her words and I can almost feel the heat from her cheeks radiating off of her. They can go either two ways. I let her make some excuse to who I am and why I don't want to show my face or I just show myself and see if this talkative skinny man knows his stuff about gangsters.

As Y/N continues to make the words form in her mouth, I make the decision for her and straighten my suit jacket stepping out of the side of her whilst I push my hair back to clear my face. I put on a fake smile as soon as I saw Namjoon's greeting smile turn and fade into a frown before he seemed to be concerned.

Even though I wasn't sure what would happen if I showed myself, I definitely didn't expect Namjoon to completely blank me and turn back to Y/N and talk about me as I was directly in front of him.

"Y/N, please tell me that you know who this man is." Namjoon said. I moved my eyes down to her and slowly she nods back, her pink lips pressing together. "Yes I know who he is. I owe him some favors, you know... after I stole that phone." She replied.

I smirk as I look back at Namjoon. A sense of pride comes over me as he realizes that she is working for me, temporarily. He tells Y/N to be careful as he watches me out of the corner of his eye. This kid surely has a death wish.

Y/N says that she will message him and explain everything they hug and Namjoon leaves. He almost filled me with his calm exterior but the pace that he walked off was too quick for someone who was truly calm.

We continue walking, making our way to the exit. We walk in silence. We were in silence before but this time it feels like it is a purposeful silence. "When you 'explain everything' with him, make sure not to mention anything about what you do. You clear?" I said.

I break the silence surrounding us and my stern voice coming out more harsh than I intended. Only for her to hum in response.


[Y/N's P.O.V]

I watched the sun as it started to set, my elbow resting on the door, my eyes unable to stop staring out of the window. As soon as I heard Yoongi move from henind me in the mall, my heart sank. Namjoon must be so confused as to why I was there with him. That maybe I am his slave.

I told him I owe Yoongi a favour and that was all I could say with Yoongi thee. Hopefully he lets me explain later when I get time to text him. Instead we are on our way to the car. The guy who I meant to be an associate with the police will be there and all I have to do is to go in and connect.

Yoongi drives in silence, he holds the steering wheel with one hand whilst his other lays on his leg. He rubs over his leg gently. It seems to be a sort of comfort for him. He briefly takes his eyes off the road to look at me from the corner of his eyes. A sigh escaping his ips. He knows that I am pissed about Namjoon seeing him with Yoongi.

"We're here." Yoongi said.


All Over You | M.YG (Onhold till may 30)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora