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"We're back!" Hoseok shouted as he walked through the door with me behind him. I watched him and let out a loud laugh as he strutted his way into the apartment. "And why exactly did you need to announce that?" Yoongi's voice drew my eyes towards the couch, he was sitting down with a black book in his hands.

Hoseok scoffed at Yoongi and carried on walking through the living room, announcing that he was home to the kitchen. By the sounds of it, people were in there.

The living room became quiet and I looked at the floor. I really should have followed Hoseok into the kitchen to greet the others. I shut the front door and took off my jacket, putting it on the coat stand.

"How was the shooting range?" Yoongi suddenly asked, breaking the silence. I turned back around and leant on the back of the sofa closest to me. "It was good, I learnt how to hold the gun. And then I had a couple practices." I replied.

He nodded slowly as he looked back down at the book in his hand. I should just walk away and go to the kitchen instead of trying to drag this conversation out. But I wanted to talk to him. This is the first time today that he hasn't had a smirk on his face or is trying to wind me up.

"What are you reading?" I asked him, trying to start up the conversation. His eyes moved up to see me before they looked down at the book. I could see him thinking of a snide remark to answer with but his eyes left the book again and then back up at me.

" 'Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid' by Douglas R. Hofstadter." Yoongi answered.

'He must be joking? What book is that?!'

I stayed quiet until breathy laughter left his lips. He looked down at the book and turned the corner of the page he was on. "I would say that it isn't as complicated as it sounds but then that wouldn't be true. It can be quite tricky to understand at first." Yoongi spoke up.

A smile raised on the corner of my lips and I looked down at the sofa beneath me. "Here." Yoongi's voice made me raise my head to look at him. He had shut the book and was holding it out towards me.

I walked cautiously around the back of the sofa and then towards Yoongi. I took the book in my hands and sat down on the couch opposite him. I put my phone, which was in my hand, on the table between us.

My eyes skimmed over the front cover of the book and then turned it over reading the blurb on the back. " 'Everything is a symbol, and symbols can combine to form patterns. Patterns are beautiful and revelatory of larger truths.' " I read it out.

I looked up from the book. Yoongu was leant back, his arms resting on the back of the couch. My eyes wandered over his chest and kept falling until I came across his legs which were crossed over each other.

"It's a good book. Very...interesting. I've read it multiple times." He said. The book reminds me of him. He is able to connect patterns and from them, he is then able to discover the truths from the lies.

"Y/N! Food is ready!" I heard my name being called by Hoseok from the kitchen. Yoongi made a disgusted look at the kitchen, he really doesn't approve of Hoseok shouting. I stood up quickly, flustered from Hoseok shouting for me. I don't want him to come in here looking for me.

I leant over the coffee table and passed his book back and went to walk away to the kitchen. I stopped before I got to the doorway. "Aren't you coming for food?" I asked Yoongi. "I don't eat with others." he replied back.

I felt myself going to question him when Hoseok called my name again, his voice drove my legs to carry on walking to the kitchen.


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