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I walk out of the guest bedroom holding the large towels in front of me. I took cautious steps out of the door and started to make my way down to the large bathroom where the shower is. I get closer to the bathroom and I balance the towels on one hand as I go to open the door, putting my hand on the door handle.

Before I can pull the handle down, the handle is forced down and the door swings open. A wash of warm steamy air leaves the bathroom and covers my face. I blink through the steam only to see Yoongi standing there in the doorway. A white towel wrapped around his waist, the water still glistening on his pale chest.

My eyes focused on the water falling down over his skin through gentle groves of his abs. I couldn't do anything but stare. "Can I help you?" Yoongi asked. I moved my eyes up to his mouth where the sound came from. His cheeks were tinted pink from the hot shower and his hair was a soaking wet mess, water droplets falling onto his shoulders.

I swallowed hard and forced out words, any words as long as I didn't stand here for much longer looking like a complete pervert. "N-no, I was just...just going for a shower." I stuttered. He stared at me like he was trying to decipher what I really wanted to say. But if he could read my thoughts right now, I would leave the country from embarrassment.

After a couple more seconds he hummed as a response and walked past me. The fresh and clean scented air lingered around even after he left. My nose almost wants to follow it.


'Stop it Y/N. You have a boyfriend... a boyfriend thinks it is okay to do what he wants no matter if it hurts me.'


Whilst my conscious argued in my head, I walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower taking the stress of the day away.


After my shower, I quickly ran down the hallway before anyone could see me and shut the bedroom door behind me. I took the last of the clean clothes that Yoongi had left me last night. After I put them on, I took my phone off the charger and checked for any messages from Seungri.


There was nothing.


Not an apology or anything.


I feel my eyes sting and before I know it, tears fall from my eyes. Memories of how trapped I felt under him came back into my head. How alone and scared he makes me feel. I wiped the tears away but more poured out. I sit on the bed and try to stop the tears. I can't be like this anymore. Every time Seungri has hurt me in the past, I cry and get upset. I then ran back to him and let him tell me that he was sorry.

A knock at the door causes me to jump. I bring my hands to my eyes again and wipe the fresh tears before I hear the door open. I hear them walk into the room slightly and I can't help my curiosity to look and see who it is.

Yoongi stands by the door to the room as he shuts it behind him. His hair was still wet from his shower and I felt my ears starting to burn. Another pile of clothes in his hand just like he had last night.

When he came in last night, I couldn't bear to look at him. I felt that I had disappointed him in some way. I didn't want him to know about Seungri because me and him always work it out after he does this type of shit to me.

But now, part of me wishes I would have told him everything. Just so I could get it off my chest. Not like he would do anything about it. He seemed pissed that I didn't tell him but I bet it is because he is used to always getting his own way.

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