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I took the phone away from my ear and placed it back on my bed. A million thoughts flew through my head but only one I paid attention to.


Should I go?


I looked down at my watch and saw the time. I now had 19 minutes to get to the park. I was close. They must have figured out that I lived close, that would explain how they found my name. And from that Namjoon said about Taehyung, it doesn't surprise me that he was able to find me. I feel strangely excited.

A normal person would probably be scared or refuse to go but as I thought more about the voice over the phone the faster I found myself getting my bag and stuff together getting ready to leave.


I walked out of my apartment building and down the street. It was getting dark and I felt slight hints of worry flash through me. This isn't a game. I have never seen how this gang deals with situations like this but all I need to do is hand the phone over and be done with it.

I was getting closer to the park with every step and each new step I got that bit more nervous. I took the phone out of my pocket and looked at it whilst I walked along the empty pavement.

The light from the street lamp and from the headlight of an occasional car lit the phone allowing me to see the symbol. Wing is Jung Hoseok. Flower is Kim Taehyung. Lips is Kim Seokjin. An apple is Park Jimin. And finally a butterfly is the leader, Min Yoongi.


The park was darker than what I had first thought it would be. I looked at my watch and It had been exactly 21 minutes since I've received the call. I sat down on the bench keeping my bag close whilst I looked around my surroundings. I was pretty empty.

My eyes searched the area behind the bench when I heard a twig snap from in front of me making me jump as my head swung around, seeing the owner of the phone before me.

My eyes searched the area behind the bench when I heard a twig snap from in front of me making me jump as my head swung around, seeing the owner of the phone before me

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"Y/N?" He said as I nodded keeping quiet as he took a seat next to me. Straightening his suit trousers, both of us keeping out heads facing towards. "I'm sorry for taking your phone..." I said as he sighed deeply.

"Do you have it with you?" he asked. I brought it out of my bag and handed it to him. Trying not to make too much eye contact. He took it and put it in his pocket letting out another sigh. He seemed uneasy.

'Why would he be uneasy? I'm the one who stole a gang members phone and then didn't give it back until they called me'

"Did you look through it?" He asked. I didn't know why he would ask that. It was a burner phone of sorts. It only had a couple numbers on it and only a couple files of what I assume to be important dates.

I went to lie as I turned to face him but as I met his eyes, he seemed to be two steps ahead of me and knew I was about to lie. What have I got to lose? I'm better off telling the truth.

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