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{Shooting range}

Me and Hoseok have been practicing for over two hours now and my arms are getting even more sore. "Come on Y/N, you can do it this time. You only missed one last time, let's get all of the bullets to hit the body now." Hoseok said, cheering for me.

I aimed and waited for Hoseok to correct my positioning, but he didn't; he just watched me. I shot the gun until I used up the ammo. As Hoseok called the paper back I felt myself getting excited as I saw that I had not missed once.

"I did it! I did it!" I squeal in excitement. Hoseok laughed, he took the paper down from the clips and handed it to me, like it was the most important thing in the world. "Well done! Let's go back, you have made excellent progress, Y/N." Hoseok complimented.


We walked into the car park of the shooting range, it was practically empty. I didn't realise how long we had actually spent in there. I looked at the sheet of the paper that Hoseok gave me. I admired the bullet holes that I had managed to shoot directly on the body that was printed on the paper.

"You should be proud of that Y/N, you learn quickly." Hoseok said, smiling at me. My cheeks flushed with the compliment and he chuckled. We walked in silence towards the car when the doors to the car next to ours opened and three people exited.

Hoseok seemed to recognize them before I did as he brought out his arm in front of me, stopping me from walking any closer. It took me a few seconds to make out their faces from the poor lighting in the car park but once I realised who they were I felt relief that Hoseok was with me and that I wasn't on my own.

"What a coincidence..." JB spoke up. I looked to the other men by JB's side. It was Mark and Yugyeom. Mark stared at me differently to when we met whereas Yugyeom wasn't looking at me at all.

"What do you think you are doing here, JB!" Hoseok said. Hoseok's tone was threatening and cold. He knows not to play around with JB. "I simply just came to talk to Y/N." JB said.

"I don't want to talk to you." The words left my mouth. I couldn't stay quiet if I was the reason that JB was here. "Y/N, I am giving you a choice and I will only offer it to you once." JB said.

I kpt still. I don't want to talk to him but the smooth and calm tone of his voice just makes me want to listen. "I would like for you to come with me. You don't belong with them." JB said.

He looked at Hoseok and then back at me. Slowly he took a step forward. "JB, I'm warning you." Hoseok threatened him. "Come on Y/N, we could treat you better. Think of Jungkook, he would be with his brother, you wouldn't be keeping them apart if you came with us." JB said as he took another step forward and I couldn't think clearly.

I can't leave Yoongi and the others. But they are gangsters. Maybe Namjoon has a point. I'm not safe. I push on Hoseok's arm which is acting as the barrier between me and JB. I step towards him.

"Y/N, no." I ignored Hoseok as I walked towards JB, I saw a smirk rise on his lips... but no one's smirk can even compare to Yoongi's. Why would I give that up?

"You've made the right deci-"... "Enough." I cut him off. I now stood in front of him. He looked down at me and I narrowed my eyes. "You really must be stupid if you thought that you were going to convince me. You honestly thought that I would just go with you?" I said.

JB's smirk left his face and I heard Hoseok sigh with relief from behind me. JB but his lip, I could see the anger rise in him. He watched the plan of having me slip through his fingers.

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