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[apartment kitchen]

Yoongi walks into the kitchen switching on the light. "Sit down." Yoongi said. He walks around the island counter and opens a cupboard whilst I sit on an empty bar stool.

After searching around in the cupboard he brings out a green box with a first aid cross on the front. I don't know whether I should help him clean his face. He didn't seem like he wanted me to go near it when we were in the alleyway.

He takes out cotton balls and bandages looking through the box. The way he effortlessly finds everything that he needs shows that he must have done this before and I can't help but shudder at the thought of him bandaging another, possibly worse, wound.

I look away from the box in an attempt to forget about it. I just need to have a shower and forget about the day. I don't really want to watch Yoongi greet his bloody nose anyways, I've seen too much blood today.

I stand up from the bar stool and start to walk away towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" Yoongi asked. I look back at him and he is holding the cotton balls, bandages and a bottle of water in his hands, looking at me with confusion in his eyes.

"I...I was going for a shower." I answered. He shakes his head and walks around the kitchen worktop hsi eyes moving from me to the bar stool that I sat in. He sits in the stool next to it.

"Suga, I don't think I can watch you treat the cut on your nose-"... "What? Just come and sit down." Yoongi cut me off. I roll my eyes and walk towards the stool. I can't really argue against the guy who just helped me get away from my boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend...

I take a seat in front of him and he puts the cotton ball on the mouth of the bottle and tips it upside down, soaking the cotton. He looks at me and then back to the cotton, placing the bottle down on the counter and using his free hand to reach down.

His hand grabs a hold of the seat of the bar stool, his hand grazing over my leg as he then pulls the bar stool closer to him. We are now inches apart and I swear I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Suga! what are you do-"... "Shh, keep still." He said. I close my mouth and breath heavily through my hose. Keeping still like Yoongi instructed. He looks once more at the cotton ball in between his fingers and then back up at me.

His eyes look over my face, his dark hazelnut eyes finding their way to mine. He stops and time seems to slow down as he watches me. Slowly he brings up his hand as he moves his gaze away from my yes and down to my lips. He touches them gently with the cotton, a slight sting runs down my spine once the damp cotton grazes over my bottom lip.

'Why does it hurt?'

I shut my eyes and when I open them he removes the cotton. I watch it come into my vision and I see red staining the previously white cotton ball. I didn't know that I had cut my lip. I reached up and touched my lip tentatively seeing the blood on my finger.

"He split your lip..." Noticing my confusion, Yoongi spoke calmly, but I could hear the venom that was laced through his words. Minutes of silence passed and I awkwardly sat there becoming more familiar with the sight of blood as Yoongi kept throwing bloodied cotton balls and I kept staring at his own blood that's drying on his skin.

"There you go... you're all done." Yoongi said. For the third time today, Yoongi's voice brings me out of my daze. I bring my finger up to my lips when Yoongi takes a hold of my wrist stopping me.

"Don't touch it, just let it heal. Okay?" Yoongi said. I nod. I'm not really in a talkative mood right now. He recognised my silence and didn't push me to talk. He lets go of my wrist and spins himself on the bar stool to face the counter.

All Over You | M.YG (Onhold till may 30)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora