22: Sugar's Deal

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~~Peter's POV~~

The east side of the island is usually brighter and more youthful than the forestry on the west. But it only stays that way for so long, because once it rounds miday, the sun shines over the west, leaving the east region dim.

It was just Neverland logic.

"Hide the flags," I ordered, pointing towards the dark red banners tangled on the ground, "we haven't got much time." A few of the boys obeyed me, taking all three flags and running spritely into the woods. I knew that once the sun disappears from our side of the island, the visibility isn't as clear. After all, we needed to see our flags to be able to hide them.

It's all fair in the game though. Their territory is more visible and vulnerable in the sunlight, while they have the power of stealth in our darkness. Everything is evened out.

"Now," I smiled, knowing that everything was in perfect order. "Let's devise a team plan shall we?"

The Lost Boys crowded around me on the ground while I drew the island with a stick in the dirt. "This is where we are," I pointed, making sure everyone understood. "We must divide up into four groups because trust me, Neverland is a dangerous place to be alone in."

Everyone, including Sugar, nodded in unison. I then stood up and dusted myself off. "Each small group will have two people. One with a good sense of the island, and the other must be as stealthy as a panther."

Seeing everyone nod once again, I set them in order.

"Eric and Rory," I saw the two boys stiffen their posture and listen for my command. "Go north west, curve around the mountains," I ordered and they listened with perceiving eyes. They both then sprinted away from our base in the direction I told them.

My attention shifted to the rest of the Lost Boys and Sugar while I made a few mental notes. "Jonah, you'll go with Owen."

The little tike smiled and toddled over to Jonah in excitement. I checked them off and sent them south west, the safer route with the lagoons and beaches.

As soon as they left, I then turned to everyone else and listed them off accordingly. Each pair set off in a different direction and each pair seemed perfectly fine with the grouping choices. It was when I turned to the last person who was not partnered up yet.

"Looks like you're stuck with me," Sugar murmured and I swear, for a second I saw her shirt go down a centimeter. She advanced on me with her dazzling eyes, but so have other girls on Neverland. To me, she was just one of the others.

Not at all like Amber.

I edged away noticably, making the space between us clear, "Sugar, we'll take the shortcut to the west side of the island. Just follow me."

Sugar sighed and trudged along not far behind. But I knew what type of girl she was, and I knew that she was going to be very persistent until she gets what she wants.

In this case, it's quite obvious that it's me.

"So," she huffed, swatting a piece of hair out of her face, "is there... anything between you and Amber?"

I gave her a look, but continued walking in the process. "What do you mean?" I asked, open to hear why she would ask such a question. But I couldn't help but feel like at the moment, if she answered something completley idiotic, I would have killed her on the spot.

"Well," Sugar dragged out the word, "I'm just curious, I mean look at you. Damnnn. But then look at her. Ugghh. See what I mean? Why do you two even look at each other when you could be looking at me?"

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