11: Monsterous Miracles

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~~Amber's POV~~

"Angel?" I glanced up at him.

He nodded sheepishly, "it suits you."

The blush was immediate, but was soon interrupted by the defeating sound of a conch shell. The willow trees around us stilled as Peter's face filled with concern.

"W-what is it?"

He didn't answer, instead, he handed me an equal share of pixie dust. "We have to get back to camp," he gasped, "now."

I have never flown faster in my whole entire life, it felt like as if the wind was taken out of my lungs.

Peter was careful not to leave me behind, he was only a few meters in front of me the whole entire time. Yet, I could tell by the tension in his shoulders, something was wrong.

In barely ten minutes of speeding, we finally landed feet-first onto the ground. I stumbled back up, and followed him deeper into chaotic camp.

"What's going on?" He yelled to one of the Lost Boys.

The blond, in which I recognized as Pip, turned around to face him. "A prisoner has escaped."

Peter's face turned to stone as he eyed the boy over. "What do you mean, he escaped?"

"He-he tricked us," Pip stuttered, his eyes blinded by fear. "We didn't mean to let him go, I swear."

Peter didn't waste any time connecting his fist to his jaw. Yet, judging by the sigh of relief coming from Pip, I'm sure that Peter could have done a lot worse.

Even so, I glared at him.

Peter ignored my stares and paced closer to the chaos. Clearly, his thoughts were somewhere at the moment.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to the crippled boy in front of me.

"Pip," I mumbled, leaning down to him," let's get you well-rested. I'll get you some ice for your chin."

He smiled and whimpered a small "thank you" before I tried my best to support him up onto his feet.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Peter screaming something towards another Lost Boy. The boy's eyes were shut and his head dipped down in shame while Peter stared at him heartlessly.

Why am suddenly I seeing this side of Peter? I thought he had changed...

My mind snapped back to reality as my focus shifted to Pip on the cot. His bruise looked fowl, but treatable.

"Give me a moment," I gave a weak smile, "this might sting a little."


After I tended to his wounds, I turned in my heels and walked towards the direction of cacophony.

I reached the opposite side of the camp in a matter of minutes. But when I saw Peter, my jaw dropped in horror.

I wasn't quite ready for the gruesome scene that played out before me.

"Pan, put the boy down!"

Heads turned in my direction as gasps erupted from the crowd. My gaze calmly fell onto Peter's hardened scowl.

"Whatever he did, he doesn't deserve this." I said, fighting to keep my voice steady.

Peter had a vice-grip on a boy who looked about eighteen, raven-colored hair disheveled and shielded against his eyes. If Peter were merely to push with an ounce of ambition, the boy's Adam's apple would cave into the tree.

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