24: Ink Tactics

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~~Amber's POV~~

One of my teammates reported back with a maroon flag gripped in his fist. A loud hoot of approval rang throughout my team as he pumped it up the air.

"Nicely done, Thomas," I grinned and patted him on the back, "one down, two more to go."

He delivered a prideful smile, bowing and tossing the flag to me. "Don't mention it, Hawthorne." I acknowledged him back and took a glance over my shoulder towards the east.

The jungle seemed so serene, even the dark trees that loomed overhead swayed in the wind and seemed to move in rhythm. The island really was a magical place if you only believe it.

Just as I let out a relaxed sigh, Wolfe came tumbling through the broken underbrush. His immediate actions made it obvious that there was news on his mind. Important news.

Our pale eyes locked as a grin lit up his entire face. He took a moment to breathe, but then eventually gave up and blurted it out. "Your trap! It worked, we've caught Pan and Sugar!"

The crowd of Lost Boys hooted once more, grinning and high-fiving, except this time with more enthusiasm.

Deep down inside, I was high in ecstasy. I was virtually bouncing up in a giddy excitement as my mind dizzied round and round. But that was when it struck me, I must meet my new hostages.

"Wolfe, you're coming with me," I called out, swiftly tying my hair up into a bun. "We're going to make them feel at home."

His built figure stumbled out and over from the cheering cluster as he stood dutifully beside me. With a nod of his head, he grinned, "whenever you're ready."

I flashed a bright smile and sent the boys off once more to retrieve the flags. In a fraction of a second, they had all set off towards east except for one, who eventually turned back around and sprinted to catch up with the others.

Once they all cleared out, I held up a hand, signaling that we were ready to venture out. Wolfe saw my gesture and allowed me to lead the path back into Neverland's forest.

From where we were, it would take a few moments to reach Dead Man's Bridge; but nonetheless, as long as the squid ink prevails, Peter and Sugar will stay in hold.

Wolfe and I paced along as the sun slowly wavered down lower and lower. If it kept at this pace, we all would have only two hours of daylight left. But if I play my game pieces right, our team may be able to pursue the lead.


My head turned suddenly to face Wolfe only to find that his eyes were delicately trained on me. I raised my eyebrows slightly as if to ask, "what?"

His gaze diverted to the freshly fallen leaves below us as his breathing deepened. My newly found curiosity made me wonder what he has kept to himself, but instead due to my wisdom, I held my tongue quiet.

"I just needed to warn you that," he started softly, a serious tone crept into his voice, "that Peter cannot be trusted. He is a manipulative player and once he knows that you've fallen for him, there's no going back."

"Why?" I accidentally interrupted. Realizing what I've done, I quickly apologized and continued with a fainter emphasis. "I mean, what will happen?"

Wolfe hesitantly shook his head as if to ward off painful memories. His calloused hands ran through his hair as he took yet another deep breath. "You know for a fact that there were other girls on the island, but have you ever thought where they had gone off to?"

It was like as if time halted to a standstill. I opened my mouth briefly to speak but I was then interrupted by the sight of the bridge nearby. Before I could run towards it with all my might, my arm was gripped back by Wolfe, his expression was deeply troubled.

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