15: Magic Trick

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"Shoot him," Peter scowled with his still-lowered crossbow. "Take his life, Amber."

I shot a glance up at Wolfe, with his tremendous body was hovering over me in such an intimidating manner, that it made my heart freeze for a moment.

My eyes flickered back to Peter, who gave me a hard look, his patience running out.

"No," I murmured, raising my voice so that I was audible to him. "No, this isn't right!"

"Kill it, or I will with a slit in the throat."

Careless about my life, I hurled myself in front of Wolfe as Peter began accelerating. "Please don't, trust me and don't kill."

"So what do you choose to do? Let it kill us?" He retorted back.

Wolfe bared his teeth and let out a low, threatening growl. As he bated his teeth, I could tell that his fangs were in fact, quite massive.

I looked Peter straight in the eye, and made my voice sound final.

"We let him be," I decided, dropping his hands so that they fell back to their original position around his crossbow.

He avoided my gaze and heaved a sigh.

"You failed...," he muttered, with a harsh tone of voice. "It's over, come on out boys."

On command, sorrowful eyes and fur capes crept out from behind the concealing darkness. Their feet trailed behind them in a disappointed manner, while others held their head up high, and their weapons upright.

"Wh-what's going on?" I stuttered, whipping my head around to see that I was completely surrounded by Lost Boys.

Clubs and sticks by their side, they advanced upon me in a threatening maneuver.

But what appalled me the most, was that Peter made no effort to stop it.

"What do you mean, I failed?" I asked, my mind raced through my thoughts as my eyes grew wider when the boys stepped closer... and closer...

"Wait," I paused, "you don't mean to say that this whole thing... had been a mere-"

"Test?" Peter completed my sentence with a raise of an eyebrow. "Yes, and it has proven that you can't kill anything, not even an enraged animal."

"What's wrong with that?"

His eyes blinked and settled doubtfully on my face. "It means that you're useless. I can't change you."

I let my head drift up to see a glimpse of his face over the boys' shoulders. Instead of seeing a cold stare, I saw a look of disappointment and pity.

"Take her and Wolfe back to camp," he ordered, shifting his gaze away from me.

When he turned his back, I felt a sharp pain to the side of my head.

And just as suddenly, my world went dark.


~~Peter's POV~~

Back at camp, I ordered Wolfe to merge back into his human shape, in which he did after a few whip lashes to the back.

He had been kept prisoner for the fact that he's a beast. Every now and then, a new recruit must face him and be able to prove himself to the camp.

By a few blows and hits, he can show us that he can be just as ruthless as the other Lost Boys.

While Amber, on the other-hand, was knocked out cold.

I figured she would wake up eventually, but for now, her breaths lifted and settled silently. The boys set her down on a cot that lay down nearby the cracking bonfire.

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