12: Dirty Dares

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~~Amber's POV~~

The sun disappeared behind us as we paced towards the exit of the camp.

I guess you could say I was nervous. But there was just something about the boy that had caught my attention. His pale eyes reflected an untold story that I would like to hear.

Peter lead me to an area to our left. Bamboo cages were strung up in trees, hanging by slivers of rope. He untied one down, and watched as it fell with a thud.

"Be careful," he warned, eyeing me carefully. "He's a prisoner for a reason."

I glanced up at him and nodded. "Don't worry, I just want to talk to him. That's all."

Peter gave me one last look before opening up the cage.

Carefully and slowly, I leaned down and peered into its dark atmosphere. As my eyes adjusted, I found a boy sitting uncomfortably in the corner. His bruises still showed underneath his collar, but they were still treatable.

"Are you alright?" I whispered, and nearly jumped when his gaze shifted upon me.

Vibrant but pale, they looked me over.

"I'm..." he hesitated, "I'm adequate. Although, I've been better."

I smiled and shook my head, "quite the vocabulary you have."

He smiled weakly back, but then groaned in pain as his hand passed underneath his shirt.

"What's wrong?" My voice edged with concern, "what is it? I can help."

"I'm fine," he gasped, recovering his posture, "don't worry about it."

I paused, contemplating wether I should believe him in his poor state. The boy stared back with the same familiar eyes that had caught my attention earlier before.

"What's your name?" I asked, still bracing myself for another lurch of pain coming from him.

He gave me a blank stare, "Wolfe, my name is Wolfe."

"Do you remember anything? From your past?"

Wolfe's eyes drifted down towards his hands, "no, I lost my memory when I came here. I couldn't help it."

"It's alright," I paused, "I'm sorry, I just thought I... knew you from somewhere."

Shaking my head, I took a step back, "I'm finished." Peter on my command, tied the cage back up in its tree.

"What was that about?" He asked, his curiosity edged me to give him a simple answer.

"It was nothing... his eyes looked so familiar."

Peter gave me another look before taking my hand in his. "Let's get back to camp, we'll be playing a game to lift your spirits."

I hesitated, glancing back up at Wolfe's cage, and then at Peter's face. After a brief moment of evaluating, I sighed. "Okay, let's go."


When we arrived back at camp, Peter whistled and in an instant, all the boys' eyes were on him.

"Tonight," he grinned, "we are playing a game of Truth-or-Dare. There are no limits or rules, so death is an option."

Some boys tensed up at the word "death" while others grinned and shrugged it off like it was nothing.

With a smug look on his face, Peter set a crossbow in the middle of the camp. "We will spin it and whoever it lands on will go first."

We settled ourselves around the crossbow in a huge circle. My nerves kept me on high alert all through-out the first few rounds which weren't so bad. That was, until the bow landed on Peter.

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