Author's Messsage • Part II

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This isn't the final update of Take Me to Neverland. The planned paragraphed ending will be at the end of this chapter.


First thing is first. I received an abundance of messages asking why I was discontinuing.

I had multiple reasons in doing so, and a few of them I know readers can relate.

1. This book has been my baby, but even so, I know that I had flaws in it. For example, the abrupt plot twists? I regretted a few of them, including making "Sugar" a complete attention seeker to the point where she was using her body image to attempt manipulation. Tinkerbell isn't like that, and I love her character almost as much as Peter Pan himself. And also, 10 days? I feel like their love needed to be more patient. Regret was one reason.

2. I lost inspiration. Yes, the classic Peter Pan stories will always have a special place in my heart, but the ouat version, I've grown out of. I was just writing the fanfiction to get over my obsession and now I see that it has grown into something more than just a story. That was never meant to happen, but I am beyond happy of the result. Massive thank you to the readers that helped us get this far. I appreciate it so so so much.

Now, for a few questions about the missing holes in the plot line.

-What was really in the shell?

Remember the oyster shell that Pan gave her to open when "she felt the same way"? I gave it a lot of thought, and no, it's not a ring. 

What the rough exterior shell concealed was a single mirror, the size of a sea-dollar. It acted like a looking glass, that would allow Amber to see anywhere in any space at any time. Peter made the shell because he just wanted proof that he could be loved, and since she opened the it, Amber subconsciously made Peter realize that he wasn't that of a villain and that he was capable of feeling. That trust that she gave him made him recognize that if he really loved her, then he would let her go. But the step before that, was to let her see her family back at home.

-Who was Amber's father?

When I first started, I didn't really give it much thought, but there was one option that I liked: Graham the Huntsman. Amber is skilled at hunting, fighting, and tracking as he is, it was a logical answer. You can believe that theory if you want, but if you prefer, we can just say her dad was a hunter who didn't necessarily have to be a special story book character. One doesn't have to be recognized to be great.

If there are any questions I missed, feel free to message me!

Okay, so now for the end of the story:

Where we left off, they were hiding in Hangman's tree from Hook and his crew (with bad eyebrows).

They stay there for a night, exchange some cutesy moments, count the stars and then sleep.

The next morning, they return to camp, only to realize that all the Lost Boys disappeared without a trace. The camp looks ransacked and panicked like as if they left in a hurry. The only clue to where they have gone was a bloody note stabbed to the tree with a knife. "You know where to find me," it reads, with a barely recognizable signature at the bottom. Hook.

Peter becomes furious and starts going for the nearest weapon he could find. Amber stops him and tells him that it's all a trick. They are playing pieces in Hook's game, therefore they need a strategy if they want to rescue the lost boys.

As night falls, they get Tink's help. It took Amber's persuasion to get her on their side, and she did so by promising her a friend.


Tink helps them onto the boat Hook's boat by a few tricks of the card she learned while living on her own after being banished. They board successfully and silently. With Peter at Amber's 6 at all times, they find the lost boys in the lower deck hidden away from private eye. They, including Tink, make their way back up on deck for an escape when they are confronted by Hook and his crew. There's fight and action and at one point, Owen even kicks Hook in the manhood.

After all lengthy efforts, they realized that they were outnumbered. Peter orders the Lost Boys and Tink off the boat while he fought Hook's crew multiple at a time. Since it was an order, they follow it.

He ordered Amber to leave as well, fearing for her well-being.

Her only response was taking out a pirate that nearly slew Peter from behind, shooting him a smirk in the process. "Not without you, Pancake."

In the end of that battle, they lose it. Before Hook and his crew could capture them both and keep them hostage, Peter used the last of his weakened power to teleport Amber away from the ship. He gets put into magic-draining chains moments after saving Amber from the same fate.

Amber, now finding herself in the middle of the woods, tries in any way possible to get back to him. Her footsteps lead her back to camp where the Lost Boys wait anxiously. "Where's Peter?" They question as she explained the situation to them.

"I'd rather go in alone," she concluded, "but I need some of your magic, Tink." All eyes land on the blonde who almost looks timid. She is unsure and does not believe in herself. "Magic is an illusion," she says, "it's an illusion that I cannot recreate."

"Come on, try it with me," Amber says, and helps Tink grow faith in herself. That's how their friendship blooms. They sit in front of one another, passing a bottle of pixie dust back and forth. Tink grins as the bright glow of pixie dust returned to her fingertips. After thanking Amber, she helps teleport her back to the ship.

There, Amber sneaks down to the lower deck and past Hook, who was far past drunk. Judging from the expensive champagne bottles, he was celebrating Pan's capture.

Amber finds him, head slumped, in a locked away crate. His hands and feet are tied in rusty chains. His emerald eyes only glance up when Amber calls his name. "Amber?" He whispers as she collapses to her knees in front of him, only to have thick iron bars separating them. "Hey, I'll get you out, just wait."

She tried, multiple times, but the chains nor the bars would budge. "Amber, it's no use. They're killing me tomorrow morning anyways," Peter tries persuading her, but Amber doesn't listen. She circles his cage looking for any possible crack or dent, but nothing catches her eye as breakable. "Amber? Amber. Listen to me, please sit down." After several more tries of persuasion, she finally drops to her knees with a defeated sigh.

"Peter, I'm trying to get you out, why aren't you doing anything?"

"Because there's nothing to be done."

"Well at least there has to be something I can do!" She whisper-shouts, careful to be inaudible to the pirates above deck. It takes Peter a while, but he hesitates with his words. For once, he looked half innocent and vulnerable. Maybe it was his large presence, diminished by the appearance of the cage. Whatever it was, it altered his confidence. "The shell," he murmurs, "I just wanted to know if you opened it yet."

At that point, she takes it out of the pocket of her cloak. "Well it's about time," she responds with a gentle smile, and opens it with her delicate fingertips.

I'll finish the rest asap, I just wanted to get this chapter out today.

Next chapter: September 13, 2015 (or sooner!)

Also, sorry for making Chapter 15 feel rushed, Amber isn't that stupid to forgive, I swear.

And also, apologies for making Pan such a sadistic asshole although that's pretty much 80% of his character plot in OUAT.

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