I have a question

65 0 0

I read some COD x RWBY fanfiction however, most of them are not being worked on so, if y'all want me to make my first Abused RWBY story however it be more of son of a historical person than a fictional character. Here's the list y'all can hit me with the most votes. 

WW1 [Manfred Von Richthofen] 

WW2 [Erwin Rommel]

WW2 [Tadamichi Kuribayashi]

William the Conquer

 Ōishi Yoshio

 I give y'all a week for vote on 5 ideas, the voting will end this Friday at 1300 hours central time zone US standard time. For a bonus I be [depends on the person] either a nation or a squad of 6 people including the mc. I highly suggest you do some of your history to fully understand the idea of the story can't get the song by Sabaton: The Red Baron, out of my head. lol. 

Anyways, I honestly can't believe about the 53 votes. I didn't expect to get this many votes without y'all reading and liking this story I would hang my hat and give up writing for good again thank you for every support y'all send me to give me much needed hope and renew my passion to write wonderful stories for y'all to enjoy. Y'all rock!

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